proviso in the Royal Charter the situation of this Province on the
Western Ocean, and which with the Bays, Inlets, and Arms of the
Sea, afford Cod, Ling, shad, Herring and a great Variety of other
suitable Fish fit for salting and curing for Merchandize and Expor-
tation; renders it properly a Fishing Colony; which great advantage
is lost to his Majestie's liege Subjects, for want of Salt in greater
plenty, and Cheaper, to encourage that Branch of Trade, exclusive
of the great Need which the people have for that Commodity, not
only for their own common use, but also that those who live remote
from the Navigable or Salt Water, are indispensibly Obliged to give
their Cattle Salt, which consumes great Quantities thereof Yr Com-
mittee humbly conceive, that in order to apply to the Parliament
of Great Britain, for an Act to admit the Importation of Salt from
any part of Europe in Amity with his Majesty, his Heirs and suc-
cessors, 'into this province, it will be needful to lodge a sum of
Money, in the Hands of a creditable Mercht in London, not exceed-
ing Five hundred pounds Sterling: and that the Means of raising
part of the same be by a Duty of upon all Tobacco's
exported out of this province after the Day of next, or
the End of this Session of Assembly; which Merchant to account
with the General Assembly of this province for such Money: That a
proper person or persons be appointed as an Agent or Agents at
London to employ Council to draw such Act, or to take such other
Means as May be most Suitable, by Solicitation or otherwise, as
Occasion may require: and that such Merchant have order to
pay the Council, Agent, or other persons concerned, that the sum
of now in the Hands of Mr William Hunt Mer-
chant in London be appropriated to the purpose aforesaid. That
your Honourable House will, when the said is solliciting, or at a
proper Time Apply to his Excellency the Governor, for his Coun-
tenance and Interest therein, and to the upper House of Assembly,
to join in an Address to his Lordship the Lord proprietary of this
province to request that he will use his Interest and Influence for
obtaining the same. That in case it shall be adviseable, your Honour-
able House will jointly with the upper House of Assembly at a
proper Time petition the Parliament of Great Britain, for the Act
aforesaid your Committee humbly Conceive it may be proper for
your Honourable House jointly with the Upper House, to appoint
one or more person or persons here to communicate with the Mer-
chant and Agent, or Agents that may be appointed According to the
Instructions, he or they should receive from Either, or both Houses
from time to time in Relation to the said Act all which is humbly
submitted to the Consideration of your Honourable House.
Signed per Order V: Denton, Clerk
Samuel Chamberlaine Esqr from the uper House delivers to
Mr Speaker a petition of several County Clerks on behalf of them-
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 24