76 Assembly
Proceedings, May 10-June
11, 1748.
L. H. J.
John Row
Richard Snowden
George Gordon
Liber No. 46
May 19
Henry Rozer
Henry Darnall Junior
George Hamilton
Bazil Waring
George Scott
David Ross
John Thomas
Christopher Loundes
George Fraser
and the following
order of Court; &c.
Prince George's
Anno Domini 1747
At a County Court of the right Honourable
Charles, Absolute Lord and proprietary
of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon,
Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. Held at upper Marlborough Town, in
and for said County on the fourth Tuesday and twenty-fourth Day
of November, in the thirty third year of his Lordships Dominion;
The Worshipful Edward Sprigg Chief Justice.
Richard Keene
Thomas Marshall
James Edmonston
George Parker
John Smith
Thomas Prather
John Hawkins Junr
Francis Waring
Henry Trueman
John Contee
John Cooke
Gentlemen, Justices by his said Lordships Commission in and
for the County aforesaid, lawfully authorized and assigned—
Osborn Sprigg sheriff—Thomas Lee, Clerk. The Court taking
under their consideration the Insecurity of the County records, from
the Court Houses's being very rotten and infirm, Resolve to put
the said House in repair; and for that End, to levy on the taxable
Inhabitants of this County one hundred thousand pounds of Tobacco,
by two assessment; to which resolution Mr James Edmonston dis-
sents and requires the same to be made a matter of record in Testi-
mony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand, and affixed the seal of
the County aforesaid, this Sixteenth Day of May Anno Domini
Thomas Lee, Ct. com. predict
Prince Georges
f I hereby further certify, That in consequence
of the rule of Court aforesaid, the Inhabi-
tants of this County were in the last Levy taxed fifty one thousand
nine hundred and forty four pounds of Tobacco for the purpose
therein mentioned; and that the Gentlemen Justices who Signed that
Levy were Edward Sprigg, Thomas Marshall, John Hawkins,
junior, George Parker, Francis Waring John Cooke, and Thoms
Prather In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the County aforesaid, this sixteenth Day of May
Anno Domini 1748. On reading the report aforesaid resolved, That
the House Do take the same, and a Remonstrance and petition of
Sundry the Magistrates of Prince George's County preferred this