74 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 18
By the Upper House of Assembly, referred to the Consideration
of the Lower House of Assembly
Signed p order J Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
The House adjourns untill Two of the clock in the After Noon
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment &c. The petition of
the Inhabitants of upper Cedar Neck point, and Durham parish,
praying a Warehouse to be erected at or near Willm Dents Landing,
in Charles County; was read and rejected. The Petition of The
Freeholders of Prince Georges County was read and referred. The
petition of the Vestrymen and Churchwardens of Worcester County
was read and granted, The petition of the Inhabitants of Queen
Caroline Parish was read and granted. The petition of St. Thomas'
Parish, in Baltimore County, was read and granted. The petition of
sundry Merchants and others on North Potowmack, in Charles
County, was read and granted, The petition of the Inhabitants of
Charles County, praying that A Warehouse may be erected at Aliens
Fresh, was read and granted. The petition of the Inhabitants of
Prince George's County praying that a Warehouse may be erected
at Hannah Brown's Landing on Patuxent River, was read and
The House adjourns untill Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'Clock.
May 19
Thursday Morning May 19. 1748
The House met according to adjournment &c.
Daniel Dulany Esqr from the Upper House Delivers to Mr
Speaker sundry petitions from Dorc[h]ester, St. Mary's, Kent, and
Anne Arundel Counties, praying to have Warehouses erected on,
other places than those mentioned in the Inspecting Law; Severally
Indorsed, By the Upper House of Assembly reffered to the Consid-
eration of the Lower House of Assembly. Col. Hooper, from the
Committee of Grievances, delivers to Mr Speaker the following
report Viz. By the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice.
May 19. 1748. Your Committee having the representation here-
unto annexed laid before them, by sundry the Inhabitants of Prince
George's County Complaining that in November last at the Court
of the said County an order of the said Court was made, to levy on
the Taxable Inhabitants of the said County the quantity of one
hundred thousand pounds of Tobacco, by two assessments for re-
pairs of the Court house of said County, as by the said Order here-
unto annexed appears: and that likewise, in pursuance of the said
order, or rule of Court the Inhabitants of the said County were
taxed fifty one thousand nine hundred and fourty four pounds of