The Lower House, 71
Was sent to the upper House by Col. Henry and Mr Stoddert. A
Petition of Samuel Moore and others praying Leave to bring in
A Bill to Confirm a Deed of Bargain and Sale made between
Mordecai Moore deceased, of the one part, and William Mitchell,
Edward Mitchell and Grace his Wife, of the other part &c. was
read, and the same was referred to Mr N. Goldsborough, Mr Woot-
ton and Mr J. Gresham, as a Committee to examine into the Allega-
tion therein contained, and ordered that they make report thereon
to the House. Richard Lee Esqr from the Upper House delivers to
Mr Speaker The following Message. ( See page 11)
By the Lower House Assembly May 14. 1748
The following Message: Viz. ( See page 11)
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 14
Was sent to the uper House by Major Sheredine and Col. Henry
Mr Key is added to Committee of Laws. Mr Nicholas Golds-
borough delivers to Mr Speaker the following Report, Indorsed on
the Back of the Petition of Samuel Moore, Mordecai Moore and
others, Viz.
To the Honourable the Lower House of Assembly
We the subscribers being a Committee appointed by your Honour-
able House to enquire into the Truth of the Allegation in the within
Petitions do find them True.
N. Goldsborough John Gresham Tumor Wootton
The House concurs with the report, and Leave is given to bring
in a Bill according to Prayr
The House adjourns until Monday Morning, 9 of the Clock.
p. 760
Monday Morning May 16th 1748
The House met according to adjournment &c. all appeared in
the House as on Saturday, except Mr Philip Hammond Mr James
John Mackall appeared in the House.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment &c. A Bill entituled,
an Act to impower and direct the Clerk of Anne Arundel County
Court to enter and record among the said County records, a Deed
of Bargain and Sale from William Mitchell, Edward Mitchell and
Grace his wife, to Mordecai Moore, deceased; was read the first
Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning, 9 of the Clock
May 16