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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
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692 Index.

517, 530, 536, 543, 560, 562,
625. Sale to Indians, 7, 65.
Sale near Quaker Meetings,
516, 517, 530, 536, 543, 560,
562, 625. Use of during Elec-
tions, 282, 283.
Little Choptank, 158.
Llewellin, —— , 78; John, 158,

Lloyd, —— , 169, 170, 196, 203;
Edward, 8, n, 12, 27, 29, 33,
36, 44, 72, 96, 98, 09, no,
113, 167, 175, 187, 202, 205,
208, 213, 215, 218, 219, 225,
227, 247, 270, 288, 297, 299,

335, 364, 371, 389, 422, 449,
520, 521, 524, 525, 575, 643,
647, 661, 670; James, 159,
178, 193, 199; Richard, 174,
182, 205, 220, 227, 228, 232,
238, 239, 242, 243, 245, 248,
251, 265, 269, 271-274, 278-
280, 287-289, 295, 297, 376,
383, 384, 390, 392-394, 396,
399, 400, 404, 411, 413, 428,
435, 437, 439, 442, 444, 448,
449. Robert, 58, 66, 70, 73,
84-87, 90-92, 94, 95, 98, 99,
102-104, 106-108, 174, 176,
181, 182, 232, 237-239, 242-
244, 246, 249, 250, 257, 265,
266, 270, 275, 277-280, 282-
285, 287, 289, 294, 295, 297,
342, 344, 376, 383, 384, 389,
390, 392-394, 396, 398-400,
412-414, 417, 426, 428, 431,
434, 435, 437, 439, 442, 444,
448, 45i, 537, 539, 544, 548,
552, 553, 556, 559, 56i, 564-
566, 569, 571-576, 581, 582,
586, 589-592, 594, 595-
Loan Office, 22, 41, 42, 108,
154, 352, 359, 420, 483, 528.
Logan, —— , 62, 64; James, 61 ;
William, 59, 61.
Lomas, John, 424.
Lomax, Clayborn, 177, 178,

189, 197, 198.
London, England, 81, 103, 107,
228, 371, 387, 625, 646, 667,
Long, Solomon, 221, 293, 328,
Long Point, 348, 35O, 368, 373,
386, 411, 423, 464-467; see
also Charles Town.
Lord Proprietary, 188-189, 271,
450, 451, 683, see Calvert,
Charles; Calvert, Frederick.
Quit Rents.
Louisburg, Nova Scotia, 422.
Loundes, Christopher, 76.
Lower Cedar Point, 501.
Lower House. Allowances to
members, 254, 257, 273, 283.
Bar of; see Grievances.
Breach of privileges and ar-
rest of Charles Carroll of An-
napolis, 555, 570, 572, 573, 576,
582, 583. Clerk, 236, 241,

301, 558, 640, 649, 650, 653,
655. Dispute with Governor
and method of presenting
clerks for approbation from
1637-1746, 168-171, 173, 175-
181, 187-205, 238-241. Com-
mittees, special 68, 77, 80,
108, 109, 182, 233, 248, 255,
258, 259, 261-263, 290-293,

431, 554, 56o, 589, 597, 599,
644, 655; see also Accounts,
Arms and Ammunition. Bills
of Credit. Elections. Fees.
Grievances. Laws. Paper
Currency Office. Divine Ser-
vices in, 66, 182, 237, 377,
538, 650. Door Keeper, 176,
177, 650, 654. Members of,
see Elections and under each
County. Messages, see Gov-
ernor. Lord Proprietary.
Messages to Upper House,
10, 46, 53, 337, 338, 367, 371,
508, 532, 534, 541, -595, 644,
664. Rights and Indenpen-
dence of, 96, 99, 256, 364, 367,
411, 444, 591. Rules, 66, 182,
234-239, 543, 572, 638, 650,
651. Sergeant at Arms, 113,
176, 177, 250, 2H4, 261, 264-
266, 301, 448, 544, 558, 573,
576, 582, 583, 662-664. Oath
of, 654. Speaker, 158, 167,
175, 232, 301, 332, 537, 639,
649, 683.
Lower Marlborough, 208, 243,
401, 498; see also Marl-
Luckett William, 85.
Lun, Michael, 277.
Lusby, Jacob, 663.
Lux, Darby, 174, 182, 205, 208,
219, 227, 228, 232, 238, 239,
242, 243, 245, 248-2<;o, 253,
257, 266, 269, 270, 275, 285,
287-289, 292-295, 297, 348,
364, 378, 383, 384, 389, 392-
394, 399, 402, 405, 412, 413,
426, 428, 431, 435, 436, 438,
439, 442, 444, 448, 539-
Lynch, William, 311, 312.
Lynn, David, 630.

McClemey (Macclemey), Elea-
nor, 221, 293, 329, 330; Eliza-
beth, 329; Mary, 329; Woney,
221, 224, 227, 229, 231, 292-
294, 296, 299, 328-330.
McComus, Daniel, 663.
Maccubbin, Nicholas, 281.
Mackall, Benjamin, 147, 174,
209, 214, 224, 227, 237-239,
242, 246, 249, 250, 252, 254,
256, 269-274, 279, 280, 287,
289, 295, 207, 298, 339, 364,
376, 383, 384, 386, 389, 392-
394, 413, 42», 431, 435, 437,
439, 442, 444, 448, 537, 546,
548, 552, 553, 556, 5<56, 569,
S73-576, 581, 583, 586, 593,

594, 596, 640, 653, 665; Ben
jamin, Jr., 251, 309, 658
Benjamin, Sr., 309; James
John, 33, 34, 44, 71, 73, 84
94, 95, 98> 99, 102-107
112, 114, 174, 182, 206, 213
232, 238, 239, 242, 245, 246
249, 251, 267, 269, 271-274
278-280, 287, 289, 205, 297
298, 395, 396, 399, 413, 428
431, 435, 437, 439, 442, 444
448, 521, 526, 537, 548, 552
553, 556, 564, 566, 509, 570
573-575, 58i, 583, 586, 589
593, 594. 596,. 640, 650, 653
658, 661, 664, 668, 682; John
147, 227.
Mackay (Mackey, Macky)
Araminta, 214, 271, 272, 300
Gilbert, 158, 159, 501.
Macklefishe's Landing, 78
Point, 19.
Macnemara, Michael, Clerk
Lower House, 169, 170, 175
180, 181, 194-197, 201, 205
238-241, 683; Thomas, 179

193, 194, 199, 200.

Magazines; see Arms and Am-
Magistrates, 75-77, 93, 123
131, 146, 152, 155, 156, 216

275, 313, 314, 323, 383, 430
484, 490, 494, 497, 512, 524
539, 542, 552, 557, 566, 577
583, 587-589, 595, 603-607
625, 627, 653-657, 661. Oath
of, 236, 652.
Magothy River, 366, 498, 501
Magruder, Nathan, 648, 650
658, 665; Samuel, 3rd., 630
Main Run, 82.
*Major's Choice, Baltimore
County, 268.
Malcolm, Rev. —— , 377, 538
Manduit, William, 40, 354.
*Marlowes Venture, Somerset
County, 329.
Manifests, 411.
Manokin River, 329.
Mariartee, —— , 179, 194, 200;
Daniel, 178, 193, 199.
Market Houses, 465, 466, 515
525, 526, 531, 536, 559, 568
58i, 585-587, 626.
Marlborough, 27, 30, 32, 44, 46

49, 55, 56, 90, 134, 135, 155
156, 219, 371, 627; see also
Lower and Upper Marlbor-
Marriot (Merriot), John, 290
Marshal, Thomas, 76.
Martin, Henry, 429; James
Maryland Gazette, 482, 484.
Massachusetts, 420, 422, 430
662. '
Match, see Arms and Ammu-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
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