437, 439, 442, 444, 448, 449,
506, 537, 538, 547, 548, 552,
553, 557, 566, 569, 573-575,
581, 583, 586, 593, 594, 596.
Death penalty, 618-620. War-
rants, 45.
Debtors, 27, 33, 37, 43, 48, 50,
90, 97, in, 112, 1 16, 118, 261,
342, 346, 349, 350, 369, 374,
386, 398, 429, 412, 472, 473,
491, 492, 494, 525, 532, 555,
57i, 581, 585, 598.
Debts. Payment in Tobacco,
303, 304, 603. Recovery of
out of Court before a single
Magistrate, 342, 346, 386,
308, 412, 518, 525, 542, 559,
562, 585, 643, 645, 646, 656,
660, 661, 663, 666.
De Butts, Rev. Lawrence, 124,
125, 477, 478.
Deer, 364, 366, 385, 433, 436,
438, 444, 445, 531, 532, 555,
591, 598.
Deer Creek, 460.
Defence of Province, see Arms
and Ammunition.
Dell, —— , 680.
Dennis, John, 38, 41, 355, 359.
Dent, Hatch, 558; Peter, 141,
429, 430, 544, 557, 558; Wil-
liam, 74, 78, 197.
Dent's Landing, 74.
Denton, —— , 169, 195, 196,
202; Henry, 178, 197, 198;
Vachel, 81, 115, 235, 237, 654,
Dick, James, 360.
Diggs, John, 209, 468.
Diseases, Bloody Flux, 510, 545.
Small Pox, 656.
Distraint, see Rent.
Distress, 114, 246, 267, 268, 296,
301, 303, 304, 491.
Dividing Creek, 159, 628.
Donaldson, Rev. John, 29, 32,
55, 93, 101, 132, 513, 520, 522,
530, 535, SSL 554, 563, 571,
572, 613-615.
Door Keeper, see Lower House.
Dorchester County, 18, 24, 38-
4i, 158, 316, 340, 341, 346,
351, 352, 355, 358, 359, 361,
369, 374, 395, 4i6, 417, 424,
426, 431, 433, 449, 474, 478,
479, 485, 528, 554, 591-
Boundary and Division, 11.
19, 290, 348, 368, 373, 382,
411, 467-469. Delegates and
Elections, 58, 174, 203, 232,
233, 251, 252, 260, 376, 537,
640, 653, 659.
Dorsey, Caleb, 284; John, n;
John, Jr., 299, 496; Edward,
361; Richard, 37, 42, 227, 234,
237, 352, 359-361, 379, 408,
409, 519-
Douglass, William, 528.
Dowry, see Darnall, Anne.
Drums, in, 274, 387, 398-400,
Duff, Simon, 359, 360.
Duke, James, 309.
Dulany, —— , 169, 170, 180, 182,
195, 196, 202; D., 331; Daniel,
194, 201; Daniel, Esquire, 9,
n, 18, 20, 22, 27, 33, 36, 50,
54, 74, 82, no, 116, 118, 120,
187, 205, 207, 210, 213, 218,
219, 224, 229, 246, 287, 294,
300, 335, 339, 345, 351, 377,
391, 505, 509, 5io, 514, 517,
521, 524, 533, 546, 562, 576,
599, 639, 642, 647, 649, 670;
Daniel, Jr., 174, 233, 238, 239,
243, 245, 251, 257, 259, 648,
650, 658, 665; Walter, 28, 32,
44, 46, 47, 58, 73, 84-87, 91,
92, 94-97, 99, 101-103, 105,
106, 112, 114, 115, 119, 174,
218, 232, 238, 239, 242, 245,
249, 251, 266, 269, 271, 272-
274, 278-280, 286, 287, 289,
292, 294, 295, 297, 341, 372,
376, 378, 395, 396, 399, 413,
428, 431, 436, 439, 442, 444,
445, 448, 452, 544, 547, 548,
552, 553, 556, 569, 573, 574,
575, 581, 582, 586, 593, 594,
596, 648, 650, 658, 664, 667,
Durham Parish, 12, 74, 78, 362,
435, 509, 5io, 515, 517, 530,
535, 545, 547, 555, 559, 562,
Duties, 217, 283, 381, 440, 515,
517, see also Tobacco.
Eagles, 208, 247.
Earle, Michael, 277, 357, 359,
640, 653, 655, 658, 665, 669.
Eastern Shore, 388, see Rent
Rolls. Treasurer.
Edmonston (Edmondson, Ed-
monson), —— , 669; James,
22, 76; Pollard, 648, 659.
Education; see Learning.
*Egerton's Manor, Prince
George's County, 145.
Eilbeck, William, 430, 544, 557,
Elections, Committee of and
Privileges, Writs of, 66, 109,
182, 234, 241-243, 248, 250,
251, 254-256, 259, 260, 263,
266, 360, 377, 378, 430, 445,
447, 524, 538, 567, 570, 589,
650, 653-655, 658-660, 662-
664, 669.
Elk Ridge Landing, 17, 158.
Elk River, 20, 82, 241, 254-256,
276, 513, 551, 554-
Eltham, sloop, 218.
Emmerson, Philip, 499, 500,
Emmerson's Landing, 515, 559,
665, 671.
England, 63, 80, 188, 228, 235;
Creditors in, 405, 439, 546.
Common Law of in force in
Maryland, 236, 370, 391, 651,
English, 6, 7, 61, 63, 64, 549,
English, James, 422.
Ennals, Bartholomew, n, 50,
58, 66, 70, 73, 84, 85, 88, 104-
106, 112, 117, 1 19, 290, 359.
Estates, Quieting Possessions,
etc., see Land.
Europe, 68, 80, 422.
Evans, Ebenezer, 138; John,
138, 648, 659, 665.
Evidences, see Convicts, Lands,
Testimony, Witnesses.
Executions. Attorney fees,
Judgements, 545-347-
Executions of Slaves, 618, 619,
Fairs, 634.
Falconar, ( Falconer, Falkner,
Faulkoner) , Abraham, 640,
653, 659, 660.
Pearson, Eleanor, 339.
Fees, 45, 265, 276, 322, 326, 372,
525, 545, 556, 577-58o, 590,
663. Accused persons, crim-
inals and witnesses not to be
sold for payment of, 276, 318,
319. Attorney's, 303, 304, 326,
545-547, 560, 563, 587, 591-
Clerk's and Provincial Secre-
tary, 385, 389-391, 588, 591-
Extension of time for pay-
ing and receiving, 206-208,
210, 211, 243-246, 249, 256,
257. Judgements, 591. Judges,
587. Officers, 206-208, 210,
211, 243-246. 249, 256, 257,
296, 303, 304, 367, 374, 376,
426, 489, 502, 587, 599-601.
Petitions, 250, 253, 254, 256,
267, 276, 277. Special Com-
missions, 556. Lower House,
51, 229, 300, 301, 417, 558,
663, 664.
Felonies, 95. Felons, 261.
Fences, 364, 366, 372, 374, 405,
432, 439, 444, 450, 483, 5o6.
Ferries, 21, 163, 286, 408, 545.
Fetcher, Dorothy, 424; Michael,
Fines, 80, 150, 319, 370, 429,
440, 470, 519, 557.
Fire places, 342, 402, 462. Fires,
22, 229, 308, 467, 555, 563, 627.
Fish, 80, 81. Machine for catch-
ing and curing, 554, 560. Con-
servation of small, 541, 559,
Flags, 584; black and yellow,
387, of Truce, 421.
Fletcher, Dorothy, 424; Michael,
Flints, see Arms and Ammu-
Flour, 346, 348, 368, 373; tare
of barrels, 463.
Flux, see Diseases.