is Rather a Charge than Profit to the said Estate, and likely so to
Continue or Run to Decay so as to be no benefit to the said Alexan-
der's future Successors.
Therefore Your Petitioners humbly pray that Leave may be given
to bring in a Bill for your Petitioners to sell and Dispose of the said
House that they may be better enabled to pay and Discharge the said
Debt and that the Surplus of the money remaining after such Debt
paid may be applied to the same uses as the said House now is
Subject to.
And your petitioners shall pray &c.
May 14th 1750 William Cummingly Petr
Black Book
No. 1
No. 30
1750, May 14
To his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor of Maryland and the
Honble the Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly.
The Petition of Joseph Hall of Calvert County Humbly Sheweth
That Your Petr in the Year 1746 Entered into a Charter Party
with Benjamin Tasker Esqr and Doctr Charles Carroll two of the
Agents appointed by Act of Assembly for the Province of Maryland
for providing necessarys & Transports for his Majestys Forces to be
raised in the said Province, and Transporting them to the place of
general Rendezvous at Albany in the Province of New York
In Consequence of which he Provided a Sloop and qualified
according to the directions & Clauses in the said Charter Party, and
Brought the said Vessel to Annapolis where she lay a Considerable
time Ready and Waiting to take on Board so many of the Forces
as should be Allotted to her share or Proportion. But so it happened
it Please Your Excelly & Honrs that by some false Reports and other
Insinuations to his Excelly the then Govr that your Pet™ Sloop was
Rotten and unfit for his Majesty's Service, surveys were had upon
the said Vessel (on One of which Surveys Docf Charles Carroll
One of the Agents above mentioned was present) when she was
adjudged fit for the sea; but afterwards was Refused to be Received
into pay or Accepted on, by the then Governor's Orders (as Yr Petr
was Informed) notwithstanding the said Sloop Ran two years and
an half from thence forward without any Repairs save Caulking
and Trimming as Your Petr is Ready and able to prove, by which
means yr Petr was greatly Damaged he having Put himself to Sixty
pounds Current money Extraordinary Expence in fitting the said
Vessel for the Voyage; all which Yr Petr humbly hopes Your Excelly
& Honrs will think Reasonable to be Reimbursed him by the Province
of Maryland, as he did his Endeavour and Suffered so greatly by
the Disapointment
And he as in Duty &c.
Joseph Hall
By the Upper house of Assy 21 May 1750
Read and Rejected
Signed p Order J. Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Black Book
No. 1
No. 56
1750, May 21