672 Assembly Proceedings, December 7-14, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
tion of the
in whom
And be it further Enacted and Declared, That the Vestrymen and
Churchwardens of the respective Parishes, in which the said Ware-
houses are, shall, and they are hereby directed and required, at some
Time, on or before the first Day of February next, to nominate and
recommend to his Excellency the Governor, or Commander in Chief
for the Time being, four able and sufficient Planters, well skilled in
Tobacco, to attend for the ensuing Year at each of the Inspections
by this Act above established; and shall forthwith transmit a Cer-
tificate of such Nomination and Recommendation to the Governor,
or Commander in Chief for the Time being, in the same Manner as,
in like Cases, by the above-recited Act is required and directed:
And that thereafter, the Time of choosing Inspectors, to attend
at the said Warehouses, shall be between the first and tenth Day
of September yearly.
ance of
this Act.]
This Act to continue until the first Day of December, Anno
Domini One thousand seven hundred fifty and three.
14th December 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara Cl lo ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province
I will this Be a Law
Sam: Ogle
the Great Seal in
wax appendt
14 Decemr 1751
Read & Assented to by
the Upper House of As-
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl Up. H.
[No. 2.]
p. 552
An Act for the Continuation of Actions, and securing the Peace
and good Government of this Province.
Whereas many Writs, Precepts, Process, and Judicial Proceed-
ings have been issued, had, and executed, and several Courts of Judi-
cature have been held in this Province, in the Name and Stile of the
late Right Honourable Charles, Lord Proprietary, since his Death
or Demise; and the several Judges, Justices, Magistrates, and Minis-
ters of Justice, and also the Officers and other Persons within this
Province, Commissionated by the said late Proprietary, or his Lieu-
tenant Governor for the Time being, not knowing that the said late
Proprietary had departed this Life, have, since the Death or De-
mise of the said late Proprietary, under and in Virtue of their said
respective Commissions, and the Authority of the same, done, acted,
and performed such Duties and Services, and other Matters and
Things, as appertain and properly belong to their respective Func-
tions, Offices and Stations: And for that it is the Intent of this
General Assembly, that no Disappointment or Inconvenience what-
soever should happen or arise to any Suitors by Discontinuance, or
other Error or Cause of Exception, by Means or Occasion of the
Death or Demise of the said late Lord Proprietary, or his Name
and Stile being used, observed, and pursued in such Writs, Precepts,