The Lower House. 653
Majesty and his Royal Ancestors, and also by his Lordship and his
Noble Ancestors, or some of them, been hitherto approved, by hav-
ing the Commissions of Judicature, to include Directions of that
Nature to the several judicial Magistrates; unless those Words have
at any Time been casually or carelessly omitted by the Officers in
this Province, that drew such Commissions.
On Motion, Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant to
the Secretary of this Province, to make out a new Writ of Election,
directed to the Sheriff of Prince George's County, to elect a Dele-
gate to serve in this Assembly in the Room of Col. Edward Sprigg,
A Petition of John Paca and others, complaining of an undue
Election in Baltimore County, was preferred to this House; and on
reading thereof, Ordered, That the Petitioners be heard to the Facts
contained in the said Petition, at the Bar of this House, on Wednes-
day next, being the nth Instant; and that the Clerk of this House
do issue forthwith Summons for Witnesses to testify relating to the
Facts contained in the said Petition, on the Application of any of
the Parties concerned.
The House adjourns until Monday Morning at 10 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
December 7
Monday Morning, December 9, 1751.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as on Saturday. The Proceedings of Satur-
day were read.
Mr. John Goldsborough, a Delegate elected to serve in this present
Assembly for Talbot County; Mr. James John Mackall, Mr. Benja-
min Mackall, and Mr. Thomas Reynolds, Delegates elected to serve
for Calvert County; Capt. Alexander Williamson, Mr. William
December 9
Rezin, and Mr. Abraham Falconer, Delegates elected to serve for
Kent County; Col. Henry Hooper, Mr. Charles Goldsborough, Col.
Ennalls Hooper, and Mr. Daniel Sulivane, Delegates elected to serve
for Dorchester County; Mr. Michael Earle, a Delegate elected to
serve for Caecil County; Mr. James Holliday, a Delegate elected to
serve for Queen Anne's County; and Mr. Thomas Franklin, a Dele-
gate elected to serve for Baltimore County; appeared in the House.
Ordered, That Col. Robert Henry and Capt. Hopper do go with
those Gentlemen to the Upper House, to see them there qualified:
They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker they saw the aforesaid Gen-
tlemen take the Oaths to the Government required by Law, severally
subscribe the Oath of Abjuration, repeat and subscribe the Test.
The Gentlemen took their Seats in the House.
Ordered, That Mr. Charles Goldsborough and Mr. Hollyday be
added to the Committee of Laws.
p. 194