p. 191
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
Ordered, That Mr. Worthington, Mr. Wootton, Mr. Stoddert,
Mr. Smallwood, Mr. John Goldsborough, Mr. Hyland, and Mr.
Tilghman, be a Committee of Elections and Privileges.
Ordered, That Dr. Carroll, Col. Hooper, Capt. Addison, Mr.
Murdock, Mr. John .Goldsborough, Mr. Stoddert, and Mr. Small-
wood, be a Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice.
Ordered, That Dr. Carroll, Col. Henry Hooper, Col. Henry, Mr.
Key, Daniel Dulany, Esq; Mr. Tilghman, and Major Hall, be a Com-
mittee of Laws.
Ordered, That Mr. Worthington, Mr. Wootton, Mr. Murdock,
Mr. Waggaman, and Mr. Magruder, be a Committee of Accounts.
Ordered, That Capt. Addison, Mr. James John Mackall, Capt.
Hopper, Capt. Crabb, and Mr. Oldham, be a Committee to enquire
into the State and Condition of the Arms and Ammunition, and
Accounts relating thereto.
Ordered, That Major Barnes, Capt. Bond, Col. Harrison, Mr.
WTalter Dulany, and Capt. Lee, be a Committee to inspect the Office
and Proceedings of the Commissioners for emitting Bills of Credit,
established by Act of Assembly.
Resolved, That the Hours of Sitting for Dispatch of the public
Business, be from Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon until Three of
the Clock Afternoon.
Ordered, That Mr. Worthington do acquaint the Reverend Mr.
Malcolm, that he is desired by this House to read Divine Service, at
Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon and at Four of the Clock After-
noon, during this Session.
The House approves the following Rules; viz.
1. That no Member of this House shall use any reviling Speeches,
or name any Member by his proper Name, otherwise than for Dis-
tinction's Sake; but shall rather use some other Signification, as, The
Gentleman that spoke last, or the like.
2. That no Member speak above once at the reading of any Bill
or Debates, without License of the Speaker and the House; and if
two Persons, or more, shall rise up together, the Speaker shall ap-
point who shall speak first; and no Member shall interrupt any other,
until the Gentleman speaking hath ended.