Acts. 631
for such Rate or Price as they the said Commissioners, or the major
Part of them, shall think reasonable, or shall refuse to make Sale of
the same; or that through Nonage, Coverture, or any other Disability
or Impediment, shall be disabled to make such Sale; that then and in
any such Case, the Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of
them, shall, and are hereby impowered and required to issue a War-
want under their Hands and Seals, directed to the Sheriff or Coroner
of Frederick County aforesaid for the Time being, commanding
him to summon and impannel a Jury of seventeen good and lawful
Men, Freeholders of his Bailiwick, to be and appear at the Day and
Place, in such Warrant to be mentioned; which Sheriff is hereby
required and obliged to execute the same: And that Jury being by
the said Commissioners charged and sworn, shall, upon their Oath,
enquire, assess, and return what Damages or Recompense they shall
think fit to be paid and given to such Owner or Owners, Person or
Persons, for the sixty Acres of Land aforesaid, and that whatever
Sum or Sums of Money such Jury shall so assess and award, shall
and is hereby declared to be the Value and Price to be paid to such
Owner or Owners, Person or Persons, interested in the sixty Acres
of Land aforesaid. But if the said Jury shall assess and value the
said Land at a less Price than fifty Shillings Current Money for each
Acre; then and in such Case, the Purchaser or Purchasers of such
Land shall pay such further Sum, over and above what shall be the
Valuation of the said Jury, as shall make up the full Sum of fifty
Shillings like Money as aforesaid, for every Acre, to be paid to such
Proprietor or Proprietors as aforesaid.
Liber B. L.C.
p. 546
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That after the Agreement and Purchase of the Commis-
sioners aforesaid, or after the Assessment and Return of the Jury
aforesaid, as the Case shall happen, the aforesaid Commissioners, or
the major Part of them, shall, and are hereby required to cause the
same sixty Acres of Land to be carefully surveyed, divided, and laid
out, by the Surveyor of the County aforesaid, or such other Person
as they, or the major Part of them, shall make choice of and appoint
for that Purpose, as near as conveniently may be, into eighty equal
Lots, allowing such sufficient Space or Quantity thereof for Streets,
Lanes, and Alleys, as to them shall seem meet; and the same Lots
so laid out shall number with Numbers, One, Two, and Three, and
so to Eighty, for distinguishing each Lot from the other; and shall
cause the Streets, Lanes, and Alleys to be named and distinguished
by certain Names, and by good sufficient Cedar or Locust Posts, to
be set up as a Boundary to each of them.
[The said
Land to be
and laid out
in 80 Lots.]
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the Commissioners, or the major Part of them, shall
and are hereby required to assess, set, and ascertain the Price to be
paid for each of the Lots aforesaid, according to the Value, Con-
[The Com-
to fix the
Price of
each Lot.]