622 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
the same. And whereas it appears to this General Assembly, that
there are in the Office of the Clerk of Anne Arundel County, among
the Records of the same County, five Books of the Proceedings and
Judgments of the said Commissioners, containing Deeds and other
Matters relating to the real Estates and Interest, as well of many of
the Inhabitants of the same County, as of divers other Persons; and
which Books appear to be fair and clear in the respective Entries, and
have for forty Years last past, and upwards, been taken and deemed
as authentic Records within this Province. And it further appears to
this General Assembly, that the Meetings of the said Commissioners
were regularly entered in the said Records, and the Names of the
Commissioners at all such Meetings entered by the Clerk of the same
p. 539
Court; but that, agreeable to the Letter of the said Act, three or more
of the said Commissioners have not signed the respective Judgments
in the Books aforesaid. In order therefore to remove any Doubts
which may hereafter arise, concerning the Validity of the Prpceed-
ings in the said Books of Record contained, and the better to estab-
lish the same, it is humbly prayed that it may be Enacted ;
of the Com-
appointed in
the year
1705, to be
Good in
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Au-
thority of the same, That the said five Books of Records of the
Commissioners, appointed by Commission in Virtue of the said Act
entituled, An Act for the Relief of Anne Arundel County, and all
Persons concerned in the Records thereof lately burnt, and the
several Judgments, Deeds and Proceedings in them entered, shall be
held, deemed, adjudged, construed, and taken, as good and effectual
in Law, as Records, to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes, as if
the same Judgments, and every of them, had been signed by three
or more of the said Commissioners so appointed as aforesaid, or the
Notice directed by the said recited Act had been given; such Omis-
sion, or any Law, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary thereof in any
wise notwithstanding.
7th June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara Cl. lo. ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honble the Lord Propry
of this Province I will
this be a Law
Sam: Ogle
The Great Seal in
Wax Appendant
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J. Ross, Cl. Up. H.
No. 16
An Act to aid the Title of Purchasers of Lots in Princess Anne
Town in Somerset County.
Whereas there hath been heretofore, in Pursuance of an Act of
Assembly, twenty-five Acres of Land, then supposed to be the Right
of one David Brown, situate in Somerset County, laid out into
thirty Lots, exclusive of the public Ground, and erected into a Town