620 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
&c., how
And be it further Enacted, That where any Slave shall be guilty
of rambling, riding, or going abroad in the Night, or riding Horses
in the Daytime without Leave, or running away, it shall and may be
lawful for the Justices of the County Court, and they are hereby
obliged, upon the Application or Complaint of the Master or Owner
of such Slave, or to his, her, or their Order, or on the Application
or Complaint of any other Person who shall be any ways dampnified
or injured by such Slave, immediately such Slave to punish by whip-
ping, cropping, or branding in the Cheek with the Letter R, or other-
wise, not extending to Life, or to render such Slave unfit for Labour.
And be it likewise Enacted, That if any Slave shall happen to be
slain for refusing to surrender him or herself, contrary to Law, or
in unlawful resisting any Officer or other Person who shall appre-
hend, or endeavour to apprehend such Slave or Slaves; and such
killed in
refusing to
surrender, to
be paid for
by the
Officer or other Person, so killing such Slave as aforesaid making
Resistance, shall be, and he is by this Act indemnified from any
Prosecution for such killing aforesaid: And that in every such Case,
such Slave or Slaves shall be valued by two reputable Persons, not
being of Kin to the Master or Owner of such Slave, upon Oath to
be administred unto them, and to be appointed by the then nearest
Magistrate, well and truly to value what such Slave was worth, to the
best of their Knowlege, without Favour or Partiality; and that the
whole Value of such Slave or Slaves shall be certified by such Per-
sons to such Magistrate; and that the same shall be paid to the Owner
or Owners of such Slave or Slaves, or to his, her or their Order,
by the Treasurer of the respective Shore of this Province on which
the same Death happened, upon a Certificate from the said Magis-
trate of the Death and Value of such Slave or Slaves, out of the
Public Stock of this Province in the Hands of such Treasurer, with-
out Fee or Reward.
Persons or
Slaves to
run away.]
And be it further Enacted, That if any free Person shall entice and
perswade any Slave within this Province to run away, and who shall
actually run away from the Master, Owner, or Overseer, and be
convicted thereof by Confession, or Verdict of a Jury, upon an In-
dictment or Information, shall forfeit and pay the full Value of such
Slave to the Master or Owner of such Slave, to be levied by Execu-
tion on the Goods, Chattels, Lands, or Tenements of the Offender ;
and in Case of Inability to pay the same, shall suffer one Year's
Imprisonment without Bail or Mainprize. And that if any white
Servant shall entice or perswade any such Slave to run away, and
who shall actually run away, that the Offender shall, after the Ex-
piration of his Time of Servitude, become a Servant to the Master
or Owner of such Slave, for and during the Term of four Years, or
satisfy and pay to the Master of Owner the Value of such Slave; to
be adjudged in either Case at the Tryal, by the Court before whom
the Fact shall be tried; and that the Fact may be tried either in the