616 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
Term of three Years next ensuing, and to the End of the next Ses-
sion of Assembly, which shall happen after the End of the said three
7th June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara Cl. lo. ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honble the Lord Proprv
of this Province I will
this be a Law
Sam Ogle
The Great Seal in
Wax Appendant
7 June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl. Up. H.
No. II
p. 534
An Act to make the Testimony of Convicted Persons legal against
Convicted Persons.
Whereas Murders, Burglaries, and other Felonies and Offences
have been so frequent of late, that the Lives and Properties of his
Majesty's Subjects within this Province are become precarious;
which Offences have been generally committed by the Convicts im-
ported into this Province, and such as they seduce to join with them
in their wicked Practices; and which Crimes the said Convicts are
encouraged to perpetrate, because they know that they are disabled
from being Witnesses against each other as the Law now stands:
For Remedy whereof,
[The Oath
of one
Person to
be valid
Person or
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That in all Criminal Prosecutions, which shall happen or be
after the End of this present Session, against any Convict or Con-
victs imported into this Province as such, or their Confederates, or
Accomplices, being such Convicts imported, the Testimony or Evi-
dence upon Oath of any other Convict or Convicts imported as such,
or of any of the Confederates or Accomplices, being Convicts, in
the same Crime, committed within this Province, shall be received
and allowed as if he, she, or they, was or were not under any Con-
viction or Disability, such Conviction or Disability notwithstanding.
Provided always, That any Convict imported as such, who shall be
sworn as a Witness in any such Case, and who shall swear f alsly, and
shall be thereof convicted, by due Course of Law, shall suffer as a
Person convict of wilful and corrupt Perjury.
This Act to continue for three Years, and unto the End of the
next Session of Assembly, which shall happen after the End of the
said three Years.
7th June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl. lo. ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honble the Lord Propry
of this Province I will
this be a Law
Sam Ogle.
The Great Seal in
Wax appendant
7 June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl. Up. H.