614 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
Liber B. L. C.
to the Order of the said Vestrymen and Churchwardens, or the
major Part of them, to be by them applied for the building, finish-
ing, and compleating a Church, at such Place as shall be agreed on by
the major Part of the Protestant Freeholders of the said Parish, for
the placing the same.
of Free-
holders to
choose the
Place for
building a
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it
shall and may be lawful for all the Protestant Freeholders of the
said Parish, at some Time between the first and fifteenth Days of
October ensuing, to meet, on public Notice to them in Church given
of such Day to meet, at Newport Church in the Parish aforesaid,
provided such Notice be given ten Days at least before such Meet-
ing; and then and there to vote where and in what Place the Church
intended to be erected shall be built: And the Place where the Ma-
jority of such Protestant Freeholders shall vote the same to stand,
and no other, shall be the Place where the same shall be erected.
[Two Acres
of Land
to be
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when
the Place where the same Church shall be built may be by the Means
aforesaid known, that then the said Vestrymen and Churchwardens
shall, and they, or the major Part of them, are hereby authorized
and impowered to agree with the Proprietor thereof for two Acres
of Land, whereon to build the said Church, and to be thereafter used
for the Church-yard thereunto belonging; and the Price agreed to be
paid for the same shall be paid out of the Tobacco so as aforesaid
to be levied; and a good and sufficient Deed of Bargain and Sale
being executed by the Vendor, in the Name and to the Use of the
said Vestrymen and Churchwardens and their Successors, acknowl-
eged and recorded, shall intitle the said Vestrymen and Church-
wardens, and their Successors, to a Right therein, to the Use of the
said Parish for ever.
[How the
said two
Acres of
Land are
to be paid
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Money which the said Vestrymen and Churchwardens now have
received, or may hereafter receive, from the Sheriff of St. Mary's
County, by Virtue of an Act entituled, An Act relating to that Part
of King and Queen Parish which lies in Charles County, and was
lately severed by the Death of the Reverend Mr. John Donaldson,
shall, with the Tobacco hereby allowed to be levied, be applied to-
wards the Expence of purchasing the Land aforesaid, and building
of the said Church.
to the
And whereas, by the Petition before recited, it is also set forth,
that on the Death or Removal of the Reverend Mr. Urquhart, that
Part of his present Parish which lies in Charles County will be
united to, and consolidated with, that Part in which the Petitioners
now live, under the Title of Trinity Parish; and that on such an
Union, there may be a Necessity of building a Chapel of Ease in that
Part, for the Convenience of those who shall then reside within it :
And whereas it appears reasonable to this present General Assem-