The Lower House. 61
you this string of Wampum to hearten and encourage You to desire
you would put more fire undr yr Kettle. Here they presented a string
of Wampura of Seven Strings. Brethren we have now done with
general matters, but old Scahady [Scaiohady] desires to Inform the
Council, that he was here in James Logan's Time along Time ago,
when he had but one Child, and he a Little one that he was then
employed in the Affairs of the Government, that James Logan gave
him this string, to assure him, if ever he should come to want and
Apply to this Government, they would do something for him. Scaw-
hady [Scaiohady] is now grown old and infirm and recommends
himself to James Logan's and the Councils Charity Here he laid
down a string of Wampum
The Indians withdrew, and the Council adjourned to To Morrow
Morning Eleven o'Clock
In the Council Chamber 14th Novemr 1747
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 10
Present Thomas Lawrence
Benjamin Shoemaker
Robert Strettell
William Logan
The President being indisposed, and the Other members not at-
tending there could be no Council, the Members present Judged that
before the heads of an Answer to the speech of the Indians Could
be considered it was Necessary, previously to learn from Mr Weiser
the particular History of these Indians their real Disposition towards
us and their future Designs, and accordingly sent for him; he said
the Indians had in part Told him their mind, and he thought they
might be brought to tell him more; and when they did he would in-
form the Council, The members likewise Judged, that it might be of
Service to know Mr Logans Sentiments about what might be proper
to be said to the Indians and requested Mr Weiser and the Secretary
to wait on him for that purpose.
At a Council held at Philadelphia 16th November 1747
The Honorable the President
p. 752
Thoms Lawrence
William Till
Robert Strettell
Thomas Hopkinson
Samuel Hassell
Abraham Taylor
Benjamin Shoemaker
William Logan
Mr Weiser attending, was called in, and informed the Council,
that he learned the following particulars from the Indians Viz. That
last summer the Governor of Canada had sent the Hatchet to the
Indians about the Lakes and on the branches of Ohio, that one
Nation took it up, and that these Indians, and the Indians in those
Quarters, consisting principally of Warriors, being afraid others
would do the like, to prevent this took up the English Hatchet, and
proclaimed War against the French, which had a Good Effect, no