Acts. 609
every Justice, that shall have any Wolves Head or Heads brought
before him by any Person as aforesaid, shall be, and he is hereby
authorized and impowered to judge of the Age of the said Wolf
or Wolves, of which the Head or Heads is brought before him; and
if such Justice shall believe the Age of such Wolf or Wolves to ex-
ceed three Months, that then he shall distinguish it in his Certificate
by the Words Old Wolf, or Wolves; but if he shall believe the said
Wolf or Wolves to be under the Age of three Months, that then he
shall distinguish the same in his Certificate by the Words Young
Wolf, or Wolves: And that every Justice, to whom any Wolf's
Head is brought, and by whom a Certificate shall be given as afore-
said, such Justice is hereby obliged and directed immediately to cut
off the Ears, and take out the Tongue, of and from the Head or
Heads of such Wolf or Wolves, to prevent such Head or Heads
from being a second Time carried before a Justice in order to obtain
a Certificate.
Liber B. L. C.
p. 528
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every
Person or Persons, who shall produce any Certificate as aforesaid
to the Justices of the aforesaid Frederick County, in November
Court yearly, shall, for every old Wolf's Head, be allowed the Sum
of Twenty Shillings; and for every young Wolf's Head, the Sum
of Fifteen Shillings, Current Money; to be by the Justices aforesaid
assessed and levied in the County Levy, yearly and every Year dur-
ing the Continuance of this Act, together with the Sheriff's Salary
for collecting the same; and be paid by the Sheriff to such Person
or Persons as shall be intitled to the same as aforesaid.
[Reward for
And be it likewise Enacted, That so much of an Act of Assembly
of this Province entituled, An Act for killing of Wolves, Crows,
and Squirrels, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis the twenty-seventh Day of October, One thou-
sand seven hundred and thirteen, and the Supplementary Act thereto,
so far as relates to the making an Allowance for any Wolf's Head,
and that may thereby in any Manner affect Frederick County afore-
said, be and is hereby declared to be repealed, abrogated, and made
null and void.
[Part of an
Act re-
This Act to continue for three Years, and unto the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall happen after the End of the said
three Years.
of this Act.)
7th June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl lo. ho.
On behalf of the Right
honble the Lord Proprie-
tary of this Province. I
will this be a Law
Sam Ogle
The Great Seal in
wax appendant
7 June 1751
Read and Assented to
by the Upper house of
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl. Up. H.