The said Address was indorsed, read, approved, and ordered to be
The Governor communicates to Mr. Speaker the following Mes-
sage; viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
In Answer to your Address relating to a Judgment of the Justices
of Charles County, I assure you that I am as sincerely desirous as
you can be, to have Justice impartially administred to every Body
without Distinction; and shall always think it as much my Duty to
protect the People from all Sorts of Oppression, as to support the
Magistracy in the just and legal Exercise of their Power: Therefore
shall not fail to give the Affair a proper Attention and Consideration.
Sam. Ogle.
Col. Hooper, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Address to his Excellency, Ingrossed; which was read
and assented to, and signed by Order of the House by the Honour-
able Speaker.
Ordered, That Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Oldham do acquaint his Excel-
lency, that this House hath prepared an Address to him, and desires
to know when and where he will please to receive it: They return
and acquaint Mr. Speaker, that the Governor signified he would
receive the Address immediately in the Conference Chamber.
Ordered, That Mr. Lloyd and thirteen more do present the
On reading the Report from the Committee of Grievances, relat-
ing to the Oath directed by Law to be taken by the several Under
Clerks; Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring
in an Address to his Excellency relating thereto.
The following Message; viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly, June 7, 1751.
May it please your Honours,
The Desire we have that the legal Creditors of the Public should
be paid, has induced us to return your Honours the Journal of Ac-
counts, and acquaint you that the Particulars omitted by Error in
the Governor's Account, of 1640 lb. of Tobacco, this House is will-
ing to allow. As for the other Articles mentioned, and referred to
in your Message of yesterday, we conceive they are not legal De-
mands on the Public; therefore cannot allow them. We have good
Reason to expect that your Honours will pass the Journal, that the
same may not swell, to become too great a Burthen to the People of
Maryland. Signed per Order, M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
Was sent to the Upper House, with the Journal of Accounts, by
Mr Wootton and Mr. Murdock.
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 7 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 7
p. 175