The Lower House. 589
All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of your Hon-
ourable House. Signed per Order, Wm. Wilkins, Clerk.
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 6
Friday Morning, June 7, 1751.
The House met according th Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as yesterday except Mr. Wilmer. The Pro-
ceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker
[Twenty Ingrossed bills: viz. see pages 529-531]
June 7
Which Bills were severally read and assented to, and sent to the
Upper House with the Paper Bills by Col. J. Henry and Capt. Bond.
On Consideration of the Governor's Message of yesterday; Or-
dered, That Col. King, Mr. J. J. Mackall, Mr. Stoddert, and Capt.
Travers, do make a Survey of the public Buildings; and Report the
State and Condition of them to the House.
Col. Sprigg delivers to Mr. Speaker the following Report; viz.
By the Committee of Elections and Privileges, June 7, 1751.
Your Committee having inspected the Writ directed to the Sheriff
of Calvert County, for electing a Deputy and Delegate to serve in
this General Assembly, do find, That Mr. Thomas Reynolds, a Mem-
ber, is duly returned.
All which is submitted to the Consideration of your Honourable
Signed per Order, Thomas Harwood, junior, Clerk Com.
On reading the said Report, the House concurs therewith.
The following Ingrossed Address; viz.
To his Excellency Samuel Ogle, Esq; Governor of Maryland ;
The humble Address of the House of Delegates of the said
May it please your Excellency,
At a Session of Assembly held in Annapolis, in May, 1750, a cer-
tain Aaron Nalley, of Charles County, made Complaint to this House
against the Magistrates of the said County, for rendering Judgment
against him the said Nalley at the Suit of a certain Matthew Barnes,
one of the Coroners of the same County, for the Sum of 4041 lb.
Tobacco as a Debt, together with 244 lb. of Tobacco Costs, upon an
p. 166
Account formed against Him the said Nalley, under Pretence that
he the said Nalley had been committed to him at the Suit of Samuel
Hanson, Sheriff of the same County, and detained as his Prisoner
from August n, 1747, to August 12, 1748; whereas, in Reality, he
the said Nalley never was in Custody of the said Barnes, or at his
House as a Prisoner: Nor does it appear by the Record of the Pro-
ceedings of the said Court, laid before this House, and hereunto
p. 167