L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 5
p. 154
the Fees limited by Law: And in all Things well and truly behave
yourself in your said Office, according to the best of your Skill and
Knowlege, until you shall be discharged thereof. So help you God.
And be it likewise-Enacted, That the several County Clerks within
this Province, on or before the said twenty ninth Day of September
next, or before they or any of them enter upon the Execution of their
said Offices respectively, shall (after taking the Oath appointed by
the Statute made in the first Year of the Reign of King William and
Queen Mary (of blessed Memory), Chapter the twenty-first) imme-
diately take the following Oath; that is to say,
I A. B. do swear, that I will faithfully serve his Lordship as Clerk
of the County Court of A; and to none will I wittingly or willingly
deny Right, in what belongeth to my Office to do: That I will in-
crease no Fees, but be content with the Fees limited by Law: True
Records I will keep, or cause to be kept, of all Judgments. Orders
of Court, or other Matters to be by me recorded, without Falsifica-
tion, according to the best of my Ability, Skill, and Knowlege. So
help me God.
The Oath of Cryer.
You A. B. do swear, that you will well and faithfully serve his
Lordship the Lord Proprietary, in the Office of Cryer of
Court: And that you will increase no Fees, but be content with the
Fees limited by Law: And in all Things well and truly behave your-
self in your said Office, according to the best of your Skill and
Knowlege, until you shall be lawfully discharged thereof. So help
you God.
p. 155
The Oath of Surveyor.
You A. B. do swear, that you will well and faithfully serve his
Lordship the Lord Proprietary, in the Office of Surveyor of
County: That you will increase no Fees but be content with the Fees
limited by Law; and in all Things well and truly behave yourself in
your said Office, according to the best of your Skill and Knowlege
during your Continuance in the said Office, or until you shall be law-
fully discharged thereof. So help you God.
Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, June 5, 1751. Read
the second Time, and will not pass.
" Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
Col. Sprigg, from the Committee of Accounts, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Journal of Accounts; which was read and assented to,
and sent to the Upper House by Col. Sprigg and five more.
On reading the second Time the Bill entituled, An Act for En-
couragement and Preservation of the Breed of Sheep, the Question
was put, that the said Bill be committed for Amendments. Resolved
in the Negative.