570 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 3
Mr. Thomas Reynolds, a Delegate returned to serve in this pres-
ent General Assembly for Calvert County, appeared in the House.
Ordered, That Mr. J. J. Mackall and Mr. Heighe do go with Mr.
Reynolds to the Upper House to see him qualified: They return and
acquaint Mr. Speaker, they saw him qualified in the usual Manner.
The Gentleman took his Seat in the House.
The Bill entituled, An Explanatory Act to the Act entituled, An
Act to repeal a certain Act of Assembly entituled, An Act to prevent
the Growth of Popery within this Province; was Indorsed, " Read
the second Time, and passed; " and sent to the Upper House, with
the Bill entituled, An Act to annex certain Extra-parochial Lands,
lying between Nassaongo Creek and Accongo Branch in Worcester
County, &c. by Capt. Hopper and Mr. Wilmer.
Ordered, That the Paper Advertisement tending to a Breach of the
Privilege of this House, fixed on the Door of this House on the 24th
Day of May last, be referred for Consideration on the Morrow
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.
June 4
Tuesday Morning, June 4, 1751.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday
were read.
The House proceeded to take into Consideration the Petition of
Mr. Thomas Franklin; and thereupon the Question was put, Whether
Mr. Speaker shall issue his Warrant to order a new Writ of Elec-
tion to be made out, directed to the Sheriff of Baltimore County,
to elect a Delegate in the Room of Mr. Walter Tolley, whose Elec-
tion is declared void; or Whether the House do receive the Candi-
date who had a Majority of legal Votes next to Mr. Tolley, at the
last Election for Baltimore County? Resolved, That the House do
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receive the Candidate who had a Majority of legal Votes next to
Mr. Tolley, at the last Election for Baltimore County.
The Sheriff of Baltimore County, in Pursuance of the Order of
the House, attended, and was called to the Bar, and produced the
original Polls taken by him at the last Election for Baltimore County ;
and on Examination of the same, it appears, that Mr. Thomas
Franklin had the Majority of legal Votes next to Mr. Tolley: Or-
dered, That the Sheriff aforesaid do erase out the Name of Walter
Tolley, mentioned in the Indenture annexed to the Writ of Election
aforesaid, and insert the Name of Thomas Franklin in lieu thereof ;
which was accordingly done.
Mr. Franklin appeared in the House. Ordered, That Mr. William
Smith and Mr. Lecompte do go with Mr. Franklin to the Upper