After which his Excellency was pleased to Conclude this Session
with the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly
The Temper and Moderation with which you have Carried on the
public Business of this Session are highly Commendable; and I
flatter myself that the Laws now made will be of real Service to the
Gentlemen of the Lower house I acknowledge the regard you have
Shewn to myself; and I cannot Express the grateful Sense of it
better than by doing every thing in my power to Promote the happi-
ness of the Province and to Oblige you upon every Occasion: which
you may Certainly Depend upon
Gentlemen The Business of this Session being at an End, I have, with
the Advice of his Lordships Council of State, thought fit to Prorogue
this Assembly to the second Tuesday in October next, and You are
to take Notice you are Prorogued to that Day accordingly
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
June 11