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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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564 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 29

The Bill entituled, An Act to prohibit the raising of Swine in the
Town of Bladensburg, &c. was read, with the Amendment proposed
by the Upper House; to which Amendment this House doth not
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.

May 30

Thursday Morning, May 30, 1751.

The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as yesterday. The Proceedings were read.
Mr. J. J. Mackall appeared in the House.
Dr. Carroll, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker
a Bill entituled, An Act to establish the Special Court Records of
Anne Arundel County; which was read the first Time, and ordered
to lie on the Table.
Col. Hammond, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker
the Bill entituled, An Act to make the Testimony of Convicted Per-
sons legal against Convicted Persons; Indorsed, " By the Upper
House of Assembly, May 30, 1751. Read the second Time, and will
Which Bill was read here, and passed for Ingrossing.
Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker
a Bill entituled, An Act for the more effectual Punishment of Ne-
groes and other Slaves, and for taking away the Benefit of Clergy
from certain Offenders; and a Supplementary Act to an Act enti-

p. 136

tuled, An Act to prevent the tumultuous Meeting, and other Irregu-
larities, of Negroes and other Slaves, and directing the Manner of
trying Slaves: Which was read the first Time, and ordered to lie on
the Table.
Col. Henry, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker
a Bill entituled, An Act to direct and prescribe the Form of an Oath,
to be taken by the several Officers of this Province, before they take
upon themselves to act in any Office; Which was read the first Time,
and ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.

Post Meridiem.

The House met according to Adjournment.
Col. Colvill delivers to Mr. Speaker the following Report; viz.
(See page 519)

p. 137

On reading the said Report, the House concurs therewith.
Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do write to the several
County Clerks of this Province, to make out fair and exact Accounts
of all the Ordinary Licenses, granted by the respective Courts, be-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 564   View pdf image (33K)
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