L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 28
Market-House: Severally Indorsed, " By the Upper House of As-
sembly, referred to the Consideration of the Lower House."
The Petition of the Inhabitants of the City of Annapolis was read
and granted.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
Mr. William Smith and Mr. Baxter appeared in the House.
p. 131
The Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act for
Punishment of Horse-Stealers, &c. The Bill entituled, An Act con-
tinuing an Act entituled, An Act for the more effectual Punishment
of certain Offenders, &c. The Bill entituled, An Act continuing an
Act entituled, A Supplementary Act to an Act entituled, An Act lay-
ing an Imposition on Negroes, &c. The Bill entituled, An Act con-
tinuing an Act entituled, An Act to exempt Persons appearing at
Musters from Arrests, &c. The Bill entituled, An Act continuing
an Act entituled, An Act to enable the several County Clerks, &c. to
remove Records, &c. The Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act
entituled, An Additional Supplementary Act to the Act entituled, An
Act relating to Servants and Slaves: The Bill entituled, An Act
continuing an Act entituled, An Additional and Explanatory Act to
the Act entituled, An Act impowering the Commissioners of the
County Courts to levy and raise Tobacco, &c. The Bill entituled, An
Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act to prevent certain Evils
and Inconveniencies attending the Sale of strong Liquors, &c. near
the yearly Meetings of the People called Quakers, &c. And the Bill
entituled, An Act to oblige Attorneys to prove their List of Fees,
&c. Were severally read the second Time and passed, and sent to the
Upper House by Mr. Waggaman and Mr. Heighe.
Mr. Key delivers to Mr. Speaker the following Report; viz.
To the Honourable the Lower House of Assembly.
May it please your Honours,
Your Committee, in Obedience to the Order of the House, have
inspected the Machine invented and shewn by Mr. Thomas Sparrow
to them, and take Leave to Report, That it appears to your Commit-
tee to be an ingenious as well as useful Contrivance; and, in Places
of the Province proper for it, may be found to be of great Advantage
to many Inhabitants, and promote more generally the Catching and
Curing of Fish (with which our Rivers are known to abound), fit
for Export. All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of
the House.
Signed per Order. Beale Nicholson, Clerk to the Committee.
The Petition of sundry Inhabitants of Coventry Parish, lying in
Worcester and Somerset Counties, was read and granted.