The Lower House. 545
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
Mr. Lecompte and Mr. Mills appeared in the House.
Richard Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Petition of the Vestry and principal Inhabitants and Free-
holders of Durham Parish in Charles County, praying Leave for a
Bill to enable the Vestry to sell the Glebes belonging to the said Par-
ish, to purchase Lands more convenient for the Use of said Parish :
A Petition of some of the Inhabitants of the Town of Bladensburg
in Prince George's County, praying that the Inhabitants be restrained
from suffering Swine to go at large in the said Town: A Petition of
James Hutchings, of Kent Island, Public House Keeper and Ferry-
man, praying Leave to bring in a Bill to have a public Road laid out
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 20
from Cock's Bridge, in a direct Line to the Petitioner's House: And
a Petition of Joseph Cheney and Anne his Wife, praying a Bounty
to make public a Cure for the Bloody Flux; with several Testimon-
ials of Cure performed, annexed to the said Petition. Which were
severally Indorsed, " Referred by the Upper House of Assembly to
the Consideration of the Lower House."
The Bill entituled, An Act to prevent more effectually the Sale and
Exportation of trashy and unmerchantable Tobacco, and for other
Purposes therein mentioned; was read and committed for Amend-
The House adjourns until Tomorrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
p. US
Tuesday Morning, May 21, 1751.
The House met according to Adjournment. The Members were
called, and all appeared as yesterday: The Proceedings were read.
Capt. Robins appeared in the House.
On motion that a Bill be brought in, to impower the Justices of
Prince George's County to treat with and purchase from Mrs. Anne
Darnall her Right of Dower, which she hath to the Land whereon
the Court-House is built, and for other Purposes; Leave is given :
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in a Bill
On motion, Ordered, That the County Levies of the several Coun-
ties within this Province, for the last Year, be laid before this House.
Ordered, That the Committee of Grievances do make Enquiry,
whether the Clerks and Under-Clerks take the Oaths prescribed by
Law; how Executions are issued for Attorneys Fees; how Cost is
taxed on Judgments on Actions, brought before and since the Com-
mencement of the Inspecting Law; and how Executions have issued
on those Judgments; whether Entries and Oaths are not lengthened,
May 21