538 Assembly Proceedings, May 15-June 8, 1751.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 15
A sufficient Number of the Members of the Lower House being
convened at the Stadt-House; Ordered, That Col. Sprigg and Col.
Hooper do acquaint his Excellency therewith: They return, and
acquaint Mr. Speaker, that they delivered the Message.
Edmund Jenings, Esq; and Col. Charles Hammond, from the
Upper House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That his Excellency the Gov-
ernor requires the Attendance of the Lower House immediately in
the Upper House.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and, attended by the Members of the
Lower House, went to the Upper House; where his Excellency made
the following Speech; viz. (See page 505)
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Mr. Speaker (with the other Members) returned to the Lower
House, and resumed the Chair.
The Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker some Papers relat-
ing to the Indians.
Mr. John Tillotson, a Member returned to serve in this Assembly
for Queen Anne's County, appeared in the House. Ordered, That
Capt. Hopper and Mr. Davis do go with Mr. Tillotson to the Upper
House, to see him qualified: They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker
they saw him qualified in the usual Manner. The Gentleman took his
Seat in the House.
His Excellency the Governor's Speech was read, and ordered to
lie on the Table.
The several Papers, communicated by his Excellency to Mr.
Speaker, were read, and ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment...
Ordered, That the Rules of the House, observed last Session, be
observed as such this Session.
Ordered, That the Gentlemen that were on the several Committees
last Session, be continued thereon this Session.
Resolved, That the Hours of sitting this Session, be from 9 of the
Clock in the Morning until 12; and from 2 of the Clock in the After-
noon until 6.
Ordered, That Mr. Worthington do acquaint the Reverend Mr.
Malcolm, That he is desired by this House to read Divine Service,
Morning and Eyening, during this Session.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant, directed to the
Secretary of this Province, forthwith to make out a new Writ of
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Election, directed to the Sheriff of Baltimore County, to elect a Dele-
gate to serve in this Assembly, in the Room of Major Thomas
Sheredine, who hath, since his being elected a Delegate for that