496 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
Liber B. L. C.
Inspector, over and above the Salaries settled by Law, for their
extraordinary Services in attending their Warehouses the last Year.
[Part of an
Act recited,
relating to
the Fees of
Clerks of
And whereas, by the first recited Act herein mentioned, it is ex-
pressly enacted and declared, " That no Officer or Officers, their
Ministers, Servants, or Deputies, by reason or colour of his or their
Office or Offices, shall have, receive, or take of any Person or Per-
sons, directly or indirectly, any other or greater Fee or Fees than are
therein limited. And that all Under Clerks and Deputies, writing in
any of the Offices, or doing any Service in them, should take an
Oath in the said Act mentioned." Which Oath is found insufficient
to guard against some of the Extortions and Inconveniencies it was
designed to prevent and remedy: It is therefore prayed that it may
be Enacted; And be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Con-
sent aforesaid, That on or before the tenth Day of July next, all
Under Clerks and Deputies, writing in any of the Offices mentioned
in the several Tables of Fees in the aforesaid first recited Act, or
doing any Services in the said Offices, or any of them, shall by the
Time aforesaid, or before they enter into any of the Services in the
[Form of an
Oath to be
to such
said Offices, take the following Oath, before some Provincial or
County Magistrate (who is hereby authorized and required to ad-
minister the same), in Lieu and Stead of the Oath appointed by
the said recite'd Act, viz. You A. B. do swear, that you will not, for
Lucre or Malice, delay any Person or Persons applying to you for
any Business belonging to the Office you officiate in; and that you
will not, directly or indirectly, ask, demand, take, or receive from,
or charge to any such Person or Persons, any Fee or Reward what-
soever, for any Service you shall do as Clerk of the said Office: And
also, that in making out the Office-Fees, you will not wittingly or
p. 5i7
willingly charge other or higher Fees, than limited by the Act enti-
tuled, An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing
Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for Limitation of Officers
Green to
furnish each
with Notes
and Books
for a Con-
herein men-
And whereas by an Act entituled, An Act for altering and estab-
lishing certain Warehouses, and for other Purposes therein men-
tioned, it is amongst other Things. Enacted, " That the Inspectors
shall be allowed by the several and respective County Courts, a Sum
not exceeding four Pounds Current Money, to enable the said In-
spectors to find and provide Paper, Books, and Ink, needful and
necessary for each Inspection." Be it therefore Enacted, That from
and after the first Day of December next, Jonas Green, of the City
of Annapolis, Printer, shall be allowed by the several and respective
County Courts, at the laying their County Levy, the Sum of fifty
Shillings Current Money per Annum, for each Inspection respec-
tively, for printing and delivering a sufficient Number of Books,
Notes, and Manifests, for the Inspectors of each Inspection within
their Counties respectively, instead of the abovementioned Sum of