Acts. 493
abscond, will give such Sheriff good and sufficient Security for the
Payment of all such Public or County Levies, Parochial Charges,
Officers or Lawyers Fees, at any Time before such Distress and Sale
made, that then and in such Case, the Sheriff shall, and is hereby
obliged to take the same.
Liber B. L. C.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Time for choosing the sev-
eral Inspectors to serve in that Office, instead of being in the first
Week of December, as directed by the before-recited Act, shall for
the future be within any Time between the first and the tenth Day
of September yearly; any Thing in the said recited Act to the con-
trary thereof notwithstanding. And which said Inspector or In-
spectors to be chosen, and accepting the Office, shall not resign his
said Office, or refuse to act therein, until the first Day of December
yearly. And that the same Method shall be pursued and taken to
acquaint his Excellency the Governor, or Commander in chief, for
the Time being, of such Choice, as is in the said recited Act directed.
And that where the same Persons are by any of the Vestries again
rechose to serve as Inspectors, for the Year next following, they and
every of the said Inspectors shall, if they incline to serve, signify
their Acceptance thereof, within ten Days next after such Time of
their being so rechosen; which Signification shall be made in the
same Manner, as Persons appointed by his Excellency the Governor
to be Inspectors are, by an Act entituled, An Act for further altering
and establishing certain Warehouses, and for other Purposes therein
mentioned, directed to signify their Refusal to accept of such Office.
to be chosen
in Sep-
And whereas several Counties within this Province, by Means of
the small Quantities of Tobacco inspected the last Year, did not
raise Money sufficient to defray the Inspectors Salaries and other
necessary annual Charges of the Warehouses therein, and there
being at present no Law whereby the said Inspectors, or other Credi-
tors of the said Warehouses, may or can be paid: Be it likewise
Enacted, That where any Houses now have Claims unsatisfied, it
shall and may be lawful to and for the Justices of such Counties to
apply whatever Money may be raised by the inspecting Tobacco,
at any Time before the first Day of December next, towards reim-
bursing such Claims as were due the last Year, and defraying the
Expence of the current Year: And if it shall so happen, that at the
laying the next County Levy, or other future Levy, there is, are, or
shall be any Claim or Claims, arising by the Salary of any Inspector
or Inspectors, or other annual Charge from any Inspecting-House
or Houses within any County of this Province, it shall and may be
lawful for the Justices of such County respectively, at the Novem-
ber Court of such County yearly, to assess and levy the same on the
taxable Inhabitants of such County. And if it shall so happen, that
in any of the Counties within this Province there should be an
Overplus, after Inspectors Salaries and other Charges of the respec-
[How the
in paying
the charge
of Inspect-
ing Houses
are to be
made good.]