Acts. 479
ing therein the Number of each, and the County wherein the Party
bringing them proved the killing such Squirrels or Crows in.
Liber B. L. C.
And be it likewise Enacted, That such Oath, or Affirmation if a
Quaker, and Certificate obtained, shall intitle the Person and Per-
sons to the Quantity of Tobacco herein directed to be paid, for such
Squirrels and Crows so killed, in the then next County Levy of such
County, where such Squirrels and Crows have been killed and
[Reward for
And be it likewise Enacted, That the several and respective In-
habitants of St. Mary's County within this Province shall be, and
are hereby obliged from and after the Time aforesaid, to bring to
some Magistrate, at or before the laying the Levy in the said County
yearly, one Squirrel or Crow Head per Tax, over and above the
three Squirrels Scalps or Crows Heads, that they are obliged to pro-
duce by Virtue of any former Law, under the like Penalty that they
are subject to by any former Law, with Regard to the said three
Squirrels Scalps or Crows Heads. And that the Justices of the said
County shall, and they are hereby obliged to allow in their County
Levy, for all the Squirrel Scalps and Crows Heads, which shall be
killed within the said County after the Time aforesaid, the Quantity
of two Pounds of Tobacco, over and above the Number of four
Squirrels Scalps or Crows Heads, which every Person in the said
County is by this and other Laws obliged to produce.
&c. in St.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the several and respective In-
habitants of Anne Arundel County, from and after the Time afore-
said, shall be, and are by this Act obliged to bring to some Magis-
trate of the said County, at or before the laying the Levy in the said
County yearly, three Squirrels Scalps or Crows Heads per Tax, over
and above the three Squirrels Scalps or Crows Heads that they are
obliged to produce by Virtue of any former Law of this Province,
under the like Penalty that any Person or Persons are subject to by
any former Law, with Regard to the first mentioned three Squirrel
Scalps, or Crows Heads.
[In Anne
p. 504
And be it likewise Enacted, That every Person in St. Mary's,
Baltimore, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Talbot, and Caecil
Counties, who is obliged to kill any Number of Squirrels or Crows
by this or any other Act, or that shall be intitled to any Bounty for
killing Squirrels or Crows by this or any other Act; he, she, or they,
or some other credible Person, shall make Oath (or Affirmation
if a Quaker) before some Magistrate, that such Squirrels or Crows
were killed in the County where such Party resides; any Law to the
contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
[St. Mary's,
Kent, Queen
Anne's, Tal-
bot, and
Provided always, That it shall and may be lawful for the several
and respective Inhabitants within this Province, to pay and discharge
the said several and respective Quantities of Tobacco, so to be levied