Whereas, by an Act passed at a Session of Assembly held in May,
Seventeen hundred and forty-nine, the Justices of Queen Anne's
County were directed and required to bargain, sell, and dispose of
the Materials of the House called the Old Prison or Goal of the said
County; in Pursuance of which nothing has yet been done, for that
the Materials would be of small Value to any Purchaser who should
be obliged to pull down and remove the same: And whereas the
House aforesaid may readily be repaired and made habitable, and
would sell to Advantage, were the Justices impowered to dispose of
a small Part of the public Ground, whereon the said House stands,
and adjoining thereto.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the Jus-
tices of Queen Anne's County Court for the Time being, and they
are hereby directed and required, after the End of this present Ses-
sion of Assembly, as soon as conveniently may be, to bargain, sell,
and dispose of, for the greatest Price in Current Money that can be
got for the same, the House heretofore erected for the Prison or
Goal of the said County, and now commonly called and known by
the Name of the Old Prison; together with the Quantity of one
fourth Part of an Acre of Land, Part of the Land heretofore laid
out for the Use of the Public, including within the Bounds of the
said one fourth Part of an Acre, the Ground whereon the House
aforesaid stands; which fourth Part of an Acre of Land the said
Justices shall cause to be laid out and bounded by some skilful Per-
son, for doing which he shall be paid the Sum of ten Shillings out of
the Money arising from the Sale of the said House and Land; and
the remaining Part thereof to be by them applied to the Uses in the
above recited Act mentioned: And that a Deed of Bargain and Sale,
signed, sealed, and delivered, by the Chief Justice of the said County
Court for the Time being, and acknowledged by him before some
Provincial Magistrate, and recorded in six Months by the Clerk of
the County Court, shall intitle the Vendee and his Heirs for ever, to
[The Jus-
tices to sell
the old
Prison, with
one Quarter
of an Acre
of Land.]
a sure, perfect and indefeazeble Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple,
of, in, and to the said fourth Part of an Acre of Land, and House
p. 499