460 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
Liber B. L. C.
as aforesaid to be made, in the same Manner as he shall levy other
public or County Dues, and the same, when so levied, shall be, and
he is hereby authorized and required to pay the same from time to
time, to, or to the Order of, the Rector, Vestrymen and Church-
wardens aforesaid for the Time being; thereout first deducting to
his own Use five per Cent, for his Salary or Commission for levying
the same.
[Land to be
on which to
build a.
Church and
And be it further Enacted, That the said Rector, Vestrymen, and
Churchwardens are hereby authorized and required, out of the
Moneys aforesaid, to contract with and purchase, of any Person or
Persons whatsoever, a Parcel of Land not exceeding three Acres,
in any Part of the said Parish they shall think fit, thereon to build
a new Church for the said Parishioners; and also another Quantity
of Land, not exceeding the Quantity of three Acres, some where
near and convenient to the said Parishioners about Deer-Creek in
the said County, thereon to build a Chapel of Ease to the said
Parish: And that the Conveyance or Conveyances for them shall be,
and they are hereby directed and required to be by Deed indented,
and to be made between the Vendor or Vendors, of the first Part,
and the said Rector, Vestrymen and Churchwardens for the Time
being, of the second Part; and shall be deemed, construed and taken,
to be to the said Rector, Vestrymen and Churchwardens for the
Time being, and to their Successors to and for the proper Use and
Behoof of the Parishioners of the said Parish for ever.
[Rector, &c.
to agree
with an
or Under-
And be it further Enacted, That the Rector, Vestrymen and
Churchwardens of the said Parish for the Time being, are hereby
authorized, impowered and required to contract and agree with any
Undertaker or Undertakers, to furnish Materials for, and erect,
build, finish, in Workman-like Manner, a Church and Chapel of
Ease for the said Parish, on the aforesaid Pieces or P'arcels of Land
respectively, when the same shall be bought as aforesaid; and out
of the Moneys aforesaid, when the same shall be assessed and levied
as aforesaid, shall and may from time to time pay for the same, as
they shall think fit, so tar as the same shall extend; and in case of
any Surplus after the purchasing, finishing and compleating, the
Lands, Church and Chapel of Ease, and Payment for the same as
aforesaid, such Surplus shall be applied and disposed of by the Rec-
tor, Vestrymen and Churchwardens aforesaid for the Time being,
as they shall think fit, to the Use of the said Parish.
25th May 1750
Read & Assented to by
the Lower House of As-
Signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl. lo. ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this Be a Law.
Sam: Ogle
The great Seal in
wax appendant
1st June 1750
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J Ross Ci Up. Ho.