Read the first Time in this house and Ordered to Lye on the Table
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon.
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
A Message from the Lower house by Messrs Gordon and Dulany
By the Lower house of Assembly 10th June 1748
May it please your Honours
Mr Jonas Green Printer having made a Remonstrance to this
house that a Bill Entituled an Act for the speedy and Effectual Pub-
lication of the Laws, and for the Encouragement of Jonas Green
of the City of Annapolis Printer passed both houses of Assembly
in the year 1738, and another Bill to the same Purpose passed both
houses in the year 1739, and as those Bills did not pass into Laws
he had no allowance made him thereby altho he was ready on his
Part to Perform his agreement with the Publick, and this house
having Lately Paid him 120:00:0 We have now Agreed in Con-
sideration of his Disappointments to make him the further Allow-
ance of £180:00:0 Current Money which makes up the sums men-
tioned in the Two Bills aforesaid and there is in the hands of
Mrs Sarah Hollyday [Executrix of James Hollyday Esq.] the late
Treasurer of the Eastern Shoar a Large Ballance due to the Publick
We propose that an Order be drawn by the Clerk of this house on
the said Mrs Hollyday as Executrix of Col Hollyday Payable to
Mr Jonas Green or his Order for the sum of one hundred & Eighty
Pounds Current Money and desire your honours concurrence
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo Ho.
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act enabling the Jus-
tices of Prince Georges County to raise fifty four thousand pounds
of Tobacco for the repairing & finishing their Court house at Marl-
borough and for other purposes therein mentioned passed and sent
by Benedict Calvert Esqr
A Message from the Lower house with the Journal of Accounts
by Messrs Worthington and Others
By the Lower house of Assembly 10 June 1748
May it please your honours
In Answer to your Message of this Day by Richard Lee Esqr We
have Duly considered the Purport of it and cannot agree to make