The Lower House. 451
the Representative Body, we give your Lordship the same in the
following Resolves of this House. Viz.
Resolved, That the levying and taking the Sum of Twelve Pence
Sterling per Hogshead, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary of this Province, on all Tobacco exported out of the same, under
Pretence and Colour of the Act of 1704, is not warranted by Law.
Resolved Nemine Contradicente, That if the above Act of 1704, had
been in fforce from the Restoration of the Government by the Crown
to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, to this Time, yet, the
Sum of Three Pence Sterling, Part of the said Twelve Pence Sterling,
agreeable to the plain Construction of the above mentioned Act of
1704, and her late Majesty Queen Anne's Instructions to her Gov-
ernor here when the said Act was in fforce, ought to be applied
towards the purchasing of Arms and Ammunition for the Defence
of this Province. And in Support of our said Resolves, we beg
Leave to offer to your Lordship (out of many) the following
That we Cannot Conceive, that by any Construction of the said
Act of 1704, your Lordship Can be meant or intended as Successor
to her Majesty, or that a Duty given for support of her Majesty's
Government for the Time being, by the said Act, Can mean or
intend your Lordships Government: nor would we invidiously men-
tion the Accusations in the said Act, to shew that it Could never
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 2
intend your Lordship's ffamily, And the many Acts made to that
purpose, upon the Crown's assuming this Government, and again
when the same was restored to your Lordship's ffamily, plainly
evince the Truth of our Conception or Sense of the aforesaid Act of
We therefore humbly hope your Lordship will no longer Continue
to levy the said sum, or lay us under the Disagreeable necesity of
taking any other method of Application for Redress.
Which was read and assented to, and Signed by Order of the
House by the Honourable Speaker.
Mr. Speaker is requested to transmit the Address to the Lord
Proprietary, and a Duplicate thereof.
The House proceeded to tax the Bill entituled, An Act to enable
George Catto, of Caecil County, &c. to sell Lands;
To the Honourable Speaker, £.3 0 0
To the Clerk, 1 10 0
And the Bill entituled, An Act to impower James Sterling, &c.
To the Honourable Speaker, £. 2 10 0
To the Clerk, 1 5 0
Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker
an Ingrossed Bill entituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act enti-
tuled, An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, &c. which was
p. 99