446 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
June 1
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
The following Message; viz. (See page 367)
Was sent to the Upper House, with the Bill entituled, A Supple-
mentary Act to the Act entituled, An Act for amending the Staple
of Tobacco, &c. by Col. Sprigg and Mr. Stoddert.
The several Ingrossed Bills, assented to by this House, from
Number 2 to 26, were sent to the Upper House, with the Paper
Bills, by Mr. Stoddert and Major Selby.
Mr. Walter Hanson, one of the Justices of Charles County, hav-
ing attended the Summons of this House, issued on a Report from
the Committee of Grievances, relating to a Judgment rendered by the
Justices of Charles County last March Court, for a certain Matthew
Barnes, against Aaron Nalley, was called to the Bar of the House ;
and the Report being read to him, the said Hanson confessed that
he was one of the Justices present in Court, when the said Judgment
was rendered; that his consenting and suffering the said Judgment
to be entered up, proceeded from Hurry, and an Inclination to expe-
dite and finish Business, it being late at Night when Judgment
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passed; and also from the wrong Information that was given to the
Court by the Plaintiff's Attorney, who informed the Court that the
said Barnes's Account was proved by Record, which was not gain-
sayed by the plaintiff's attorney altho' in Fact the Account was not
proved; and that it did not come to his Knowlege, that the Judg-
ment so given was erroneous, 'til some Time afterwards, when he
was sorry for it: That he hoped the Clemency of this House would
attribute his Procedure to a mere Misconception of Facts, and not
to any corrupt Intention or wilful Design.
Mr. Hanson was ordered to withdraw.
The House took into Consideration the Answer of Mr. Walter
Hanson, and Resolved, That his Behaviour proceeded from an Inad-
vertency, and not from any evil Design.
Ordered, That Mr. Hanson be again called to the Bar, and that
he be acquainted from the Chair with the Sense that this House
sustained of his Conduct; and that it be recommended to him to act
with more Circumspection in his Station for the future.
Mr. Hanson was again called to the Bar, and Mr. Speaker gave
him the following Charge.
This House has considered your Answer to the Report that was
read to you, And are willing to believe, that the Error complained
of has rather proceeded from Inadvertency, than any real Design;
but it's very apparent there has been Inattention and Neglect of
Duty: However they incline to treat you with great Tenderness
and thereby give a Precedent to the Courts below. I am therefore
only to recommend it to you, to be more circumspect for the future,