426 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 23
out the Money arising by the Sale of the said Land called Survey-
or's Forest, and the said Lots and Houses in the City of Annapolis,
at Interest, on good Security, for the Use of the said Free School ;
and that the annual Interest arising therefrom shall be applied to-
wards the Payment of a Master, Masters, or Usher, of the said
School, and to no other Use or Purpose whatever.'
Was sent to the Upper House by Capt. Lux and Mr. Smith.
Mr. Sulivane delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act to
enable the Rector and Vestrymen of Great Choptank Parish in
Dorchester County to lease some Land belonging to the said Parish
unimproved; which was read the first Time, and ordered to lie on
the Table.
Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An
Act for the speedy and effectual Publication of the Laws of this
Province, and for the Encouragement of Jonas Green of the City
of Annapolis, Printer; which was read the first Time, and ordered
to lie on the Table.
The Bill entituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act entituled, An
Act to impower the Justices of Queen Anne's County Court, to sell
the Materials of the old Prison, &c. And the Bill entituled, An Act
for the Relief of Philip Cazear, &c. Were severally read the second
Time, and passed; and sent to the Upper House by Mr. Stoddert
and Mr. Wilmer.
The House adjourns 'til Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'Clock.
May 24
Thursday Morning, May 24, 1750.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings of Yester-
day were read.
The Petition of the Rev. Mr. James Sterling, and others, was
read: Ordered, That Mr. Key, Col. R. J. Henry, and Mr. Borclley,
be a Committee to enquire into the Facts and Allegations therein
contained, and report the same to the House.
Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Bill entituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act entituled,
An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds
p. 64
in his Majesty's Customs, and for Limitation of Officers Fees;
which was read the first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
Mr. Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr. Speaker
a Bill entituled, An Act to oblige Naval Officers to give sufficient
Bonds, for what Moneys they shall receive belonging to the Public ;
which was read the first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.