The Lower House. 417
Col. Colvill delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act for
the Relief of Philip Cazear, a languishing Prisoner in Caecil County
Goal; which was read the first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
Mr. Robert Lloyd, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker an Ingrossed Bill entituled, An Act to remedy some Evils
relating to Servants; which was read and assented to.
The Governor communicates to Mr. Speaker the following Mes-
sage; viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
I Think proper to lay before you a Letter from Mr. Attorney-
General; by which you will find, several Bonds have been put in
Suit, agreeable to the Desires of the House of Delegates in former
Assemblies; and you will perceive how the several Matters men-
tioned in that Letter are circumstanced: And I am sorry to observe
the Deficiency that accrues to the Public, by unforeseen and un-
avoidable Accidents, in the Money received by several Sheriffs.
Sam. Ogle.
May it please your Excellency,
Several Sheriffs, and one or two other Officers, had omitted to
make Payments of some Money, which they had received for, and
owed to the Public: Whereupon, the Lower House of Assembly, in
the Year 1746, addressed Mr. Bladen, then Governor, to give Orders
to the Attorney-General to put in Suit the several Sheriffs Bonds ;
unless, by a certain Day therein limited, they made Payments of
their respective Ballances, due from them to the Public. Upon which
Address, the Governor was pleased to give me Orders to sue the said
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 23
Sheriffs Bonds; and the following Bonds were put in Suit, soon
after the limited Time had elapsed; viz.
Edward Tripp, late Sheriff of Dorchester County, his Bonds,
dated July 13, 1740; August 13, 1741; October 9, 1742.
Richard Porter, of Talbot, his Bonds, dated November 3, 1742;
November 3, 1743.
Benjamin Bradford, of Cascil, his Bonds, dated November n,
1740; November 13, 1741.
And in October Term, in the Year 1747, by Orders I received
from your Excellency and Council, I put in Suit the other following
Bonds; viz.
John Parran, late Sheriff of Calvert County, his Bond, dated
September 29, 1740.
Walter Hanson, of Charles County, his Bond, dated July 7, 1740.
(This has been since paid.)
James Rigby, of Baltimore, his Bond, dated November 6, 1742.
John Risteau, of Baltimore, his Bond, dated November 6, 1744.
John Thompson's, of Caecil, dated November 16, 1744. (This has
been since paid. )
p. 53