The Lower House. 411
On motion that a Bill be brought in, to preserve the Honour and
Independency of the House of Delegates; Leave is given: Ordered,
That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in the same.
Ordered, That Mr. Richard Lloyd and Capt. Lee go and acquaint
his Excellency the Governor, that this House hath prepared an Ad-
dress to him, and desires to know when and where he will please to
receive it: They return, and acquaint Mr. Speaker they delivered the
Message, and that his Excellency was pleased to signify to them,
that he was ready to receive the Address immediately in the Con-
ference Chamber.
Ordered, That Mr. Murdock, and three more, do present the
Mr. Nicholas Goldsborough delivers to Mr. Speaker a Bill enti-
tuled, An Act to preserve the Honour and Independency of the
House of Delegates; which was read the first Time, and ordered to
lie on the Table.
Col. Hooper, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act to settle the Divisions between
Frederick and Baltimore Counties; and also between Dorchester and
Worcester Counties: And a Bill entituled, An Act to license Hawk-
ers, Pedlars, and petty Chapmen: Which Bills were severally read
the first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns 'til Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 21
Tuesday Morning, May 22, 1750.
The House met according to Adjournment: the Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings of Yester-
day were read.
On motion that a Bill be brought in, to continue the Act for En-
couragement of Jonas Green, of the City of Annapolis, Printer;
Leave is given: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare
and bring in the same.
Mr. Jonas Green, Printer, on his Application to this House, hath
Leave to print Books, Notes, and Manifests, for the Inspectors, at
2 1. 10 s. Current Money for each Inspection: Ordered, That it be
inserted in the Supplementary Bill to the Act for Amendment of
the Staple of Tobacco.
Col. Colvill delivers to Mr. Speaker An Additional Supplemen-
tary Act to the Act entituled, An Act for laying out and erecting a
Town at a Place called Long Point, on the West Side of North-East
River, in Caecil County; which was read the first Time, and ordered
to lie on the Table.
May 22
p. 46