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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 409

so far as concerns your said Office, and according to the Laws and
Precedents of this Province; that you will not delay nor hinder
Right or Justice to any one in your Office; that you will increase no
Fees, but be content with the Fees limited by Law; and in all Things
well and truly behave yourself in your Office aforesaid, to his Lord-
ship, and all Persons concerned therewith, according to the best of
your Skill and Knowlege, until you shall be lawfully discharged
thereof. So help you God.
Copy, per Richard Dorsey, Register.

The Oath of Office taken bv the Judges of the Land-Office, is,
[No. 6.]

That they shall well, truly, and faithfully discharge their Duty,
as Judges of the Land-Office, according to right Reason and good
Conscience, agreeable to the Rules and Practice thereof, and to such
Instruction as they shall receive from time to time relating thereto.

The Oath of a Clerk of the County Court. [No. 7.]

I J. B. do swear, that I will faithfully serve his Lordship, as Clerk
of the County Court of A. and to none will I wittingly or willingly
deny Right, in what belongeth to my Office to do; true Records I will
keep, or cause to be kept, of all Judgments, Orders of Court, or

L. H. J.

Liber No. 47
May 21

other Matters to be by me recorded, without Falsification, according
to the best of my Ability, Skill, and Knowledge. So help me God.

The Sheriff's Oath. [No. 8.]

You A. B. do swear, that you will well and truly serve his Lord-
ship the Lord Proprietary, in the Office of Sheriff of the County of
that you will truly and rightfully treat the People of your
Bailywick, and do Right as well to the Poor as Rich, in all that be-
longs to your Office; you will not do wrong to any Man for Gift,
Favour, or Affection, but will duly execute, so far as you may, all
Writs, Precepts, Process, and Warrants, as shall be to you directed
by lawful Authority; and thereof make true Return according to the
Tenor thereof; and all other Things that to the said Office of Sheriff
shall belong you will execute to the best of your Knowlege, Skill,
and Cunning so long as you shall continue in the said Office, or
until you shall be by lawful Authority discharged therefrom. So
help you God.

By the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice, May 18,
1750. [No. 9.]

In Pursuance of an Order of the Honourable the House of Dele-
gates, this Committee desire to know what Oath of Office is taken

p. 44

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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