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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 407

I will be true and faithful unto his said Lordship, the true and ab-
solute Proprietary of this Province of Maryland; and to his Heirs
and Successors, and him and them, and his and their Rights, Royal
Jurisdiction, and Seigniory, and every of them, into and over the
said Province, and Islands thereunto belonging, will at all Times,
during my Continuance in the said Trust, as a Counsellor, defend
and maintain, to the utmost -of my Power; the Peace and Welfare
of the People of this Province I will ever procure, as far as I can ;
I will aid and assist the Administration of Justice in all Things to
my Power; to none will I delay or deny Right, for Fear, Favour, or
Affection; I will, to my best Skill, and according to my Heart and
Conscience, give good and faithful Counsel to the 'said Lord Pro-
prietary, and his Heirs and Successors, and to his and their Lieu-
tenant, or chief Governor of this Province, when thereunto I shall
be called: I will keep secret all Matters committed or revealed to me

L. II. J.

Liber No. 47
May 21

as Secrets in Council, or which shall be there moved or debated,
secretly and faithfully declare my Mind and Opinion therein, ac-
cording to my Heart and Conscience: And if any of the said Trea-
ties and Counsels shall touch any of the Privy Counsellors of this
Province, I will not reveal the same unto him so touched or con-
cerned, but will keep the same secret, until such Time as by the Con-
sent of the Lord Proprietary or his Lieutenant, or chief Governor
here, for the Time being, Proclamation may be made thereof. So

help me God.
Copy. J. Ross, Cl. Con.

The Chancellor acts by Virtue of the Delivery of the Great Seal to
him, and takes the following Oath. [No. 2.]

I A. B. do swear, that as Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal
of this Province, I will well and truly serve his Lordship the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province, and do equal
Right to all his Majesty's Subjects, to the best of my Understanding,
Skill, and Knowledge: I shall not debar or hinder the Prosecu-
tion of Justice, nor take any Gift, Bribe, Reward, or Fee, for the
delaying thereof; but will behave myself justly and truly, and bear,
act, judge, decree, and determine all Matters that shall regularly
come before me for Determination, according to Equity and good
Conscience, according to the Duty of my said Office, and according
to the best of my Knowledge, during my Continuance in the said
Office, or until I shall by lawful Authority be discharged therefrom.

So help me God.
Copy. J. Ross, Reg. Cur. Can.

For the Honourable the Committee of Grievances and Courts of
Justice. [No. 3.]
I Acquainted the Secretary with your Request to have the Oath
of Secretary laid before you; and I am directed to inform you, that

p. 41

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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