The Lower House. 403
reasonable that the Money should be paid; as we must think our-
selves obliged to act with the same Equity in our public Capacity,
that every just Man will always observe in his private Affairs.
If you should have any Objection to raising the Money in the
public Levy, I shall very readily join with you in any other Method
that may be thought easier to the People.
As to finishing the House for the Use of the Governor, I shall be
always far from pressing you to go on faster than you may appre-
hend it convenient for the Country: However, I cannot help think-
ing it would be but good economy to secure the Building and other
Materials from the Injury they must receive, by being exposed in such
a Manner to the Weather.
The House may perhaps by some be thought too large; but con-
sidering the Goodness of the Building, and that it is all under one
Roof, it may probably in the main be less expensive to the Public,
than a smaller House would be, with the necessary Offices adjoin-
ing to it.
Sam. Ogle.
The House adjourns 'til Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 18
Saturday Morning, May 19, 1750.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday, except Capt. Addison and
Capt. Paca. The Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
Capt. Travers appeared in the House.
Upon considering his Excellency's Message of Yesterday to this
House, it is Resolved, That the Claim therein mentioned of Thomas
Bladen, Esq; late Governor of this Province, is not warrantable
May 19
either by the Rules of Law or Equity; his Conduct in the Affair,
relative to that Claim, being contrary to, and a Violation of, the
Trust and Confidence reposed in him by the Country: And there-
fore this House will not agree to make such Allowance.
Resolved also, That this House will not agree to burthen the
Country with any further Expence, towards preserving or finishing
the House in the said Message mentioned, for the Use of the
Resolved, That an Address be prepared to his Excellency, on his
Message of Yesterday: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do
prepare and bring in the same.
The Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act
to prevent the ill Practices of Sheriffs, &c. The Bill entituled, An
Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act for relieving the Inhabi-
tants of this Province from some Aggrievances, &c. And the Bill
p. 36