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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 401   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 401

yearly Salary, is negligent in his Duty. Therefore, we pray that
your Excellency will take the same into your Consideration, and do
therein as to your Excellency shall seem meet.
Which was read and assented to, and signed by Order of the
House by the Honourable Speaker.
The House adjourns 'til 2 o'Clock.

Post Meridiem.

The House met according to Adjournment.
The Order of the Day being read, the House took into Consid-
eration that Part of his Excellency the Governor's Speech, which
relates to the 3 d. for Arms and Ammunition; and unanimously
Resolved, That the House will not raise any Money for that
Benedict Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker the Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An
Act for the Advancement of Justice: The Bill entituled, An Act
continuing an Act entituled, An Act for relieving the Inhabitants of
this Province from some Aggrievances, &c. Severally Indorsed,
" By the Upper House of Assembly, read the second Time, and will
The Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act entituled, An Act to
prevent the ill Practices of Sheriffs, &c. Indorsed, " By the Upper
House of Assembly, May 18, 1750: Read the second Time, and will

L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 18

pass, with the following Amendments; from the Word during, in the
last Line but two, to the End of the Bill, to be left out; and the fol-
lowing inserted, for and during the Term of three Years, and unto
the End of the next Session of Assembly which shall happen after
the End of the said three Years " And
The Bill entituled, An Act for issuing Writs of Replevin, &c-.
Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, read the second Time,
and will not pass."
Philip Thomas, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker a Petition of the Vestry of Queen Anne Parish, in Prince
George's County; a Petition of the Vestry, Churchwardens, and
others, the Inhabitants of All Saints Parish, in Frederick County;
a Petition of the Justices, Grand Jury, and others, Inhabitants of
Frederick County; and a Petition of the Vestrymen, Churchwardens,
and other Freeholders, of All Saints Parish, in Calvert County;
severally Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, referred to
the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly."
The Petition of the Vestrymen and Churchwardens, and other
Freeholders, of All Saints Parish, in Calvert County, praying an
Augmentation of the Inspectors Salaries at Lower-Marlborough,
was here read, and granted.

p. 33

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1748-1751
Volume 46, Page 401   View pdf image (33K)
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