The Lower House. 397
The Petition of the Justices and other Inhabitants of Kent
County, praying Leave to bring in a Bill to levy 50000 lb. of To-
bacco, by two Assessments, to be applied to make necessary Repairs
and Enlargements to the Court-House of the said County; was read :
Leave is given to bring in a Bill according to Prayer.
The Petition of the Rector, Vestrymen, and Churchwardens of
Queen Caroline Parish, in Anne Arundel County, praying Leave
to bring in a Bill to levy Twelve Pence Currency per Poll on the
taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, for three Years, to enable
the Parishioners to build a Chapel of Ease; was read: And Leave
given to bring in a Bill according to Prayer.
The Petition of sundry Inhabitants of Baltimore County, praying
that a Bill be brought in to impower the Commissioners of Baltimore-
Town to cause twenty-five Acres of Land adjoining to the said
Town to be surveyed and laid out into Lots, and to be deemed Part
of the said Town; Leave is given to bring in a Bill according to
The House adjourns 'til Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
May 16
p. 27
Thursday Morning, May 17, 1750.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings of Yester-
day were read.
The House adjourns 'til 2 o'Clock.
Post Meridiem.
The House met according to Adjournment.
The Petition of the Rector, Vestrymen and Churchwardens, and
other Inhabitants, of St. George's Parish in Baltimore County, pray-
ing Leave to bring in a Bill to levy 1200 l. for purchasing Land, and
building a Church and Chapel thereon; read, and Leave given.
The Petition of the Inhabitants of that Part of the Indian-Town
in Worcester County, that lies between Nasaongo Creek and Ac-
congo Branch, praying Leave to annex that Part of the Indian-
May 17
Town, that lies between Nasaongo Creek and Accongo Branch, to
the Parish of Allhallows; read, and referred to the Consideration
of next Assembly; and Ordered, That the Petitioners give Notice
to the Vestry and Parishioners of Coventry Parish thereof, by
serving them with a Copy of this Petition.
The Bill entituled, An Act for the Tryal of all Matters of Fact,
&c. The Bill entituled, An Act for issuing Writs of Replevin out of
the County Courts &c. The Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act
entituled, An Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from
p. 28