The Lower House.
For the Negative,
Mr Heighe,
Mr J. Goldsborough,
Mr Selby,
Liber No. 47
May 11
R. J. Henry,
J. Henry,
N. Goldsborough,
The House adjourns 'til Tomorrow Morning at 9 o'clock.
Saturday Morning, May 12, 1750.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all present as Yesterday. The Proceedings of Yesterday
were read.
The Bill entituled, An Act to remedy some Evils relating to Ser-
vants, was read the second Time and passed.
On motion that a Bill be brought in, to alter and enlarge the Con-
dition of the Bonds given by Sheriffs for the due Execution of
their Office; Leave is given: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws
do prepare and bring in the same.
A Bill entituled, An Act for issuing Writs of Replevin out of the
County Courts of this Province, was read the first Time, and ordered
to lie on the Table.
Mr. Goldsborough, from the Committee of Laws, delivers to
Mr. Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act for the Tryal of all Matters of
Fact in the several Counties where they have arisen or shall arise ;
which was read the first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table.
May 12
On motion that a Bill be brought in, to prevent driving Deer;
Leave is given: Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare
and bring in the same.
On motion for Leave to bring in a Supplementary Bill to the Act
entituled. An Act for the Ease, of the Inhabitants, in examining
Evidences relating to the Bounds of Land, and in the Manner of
obtaining Injunctions; Leave is given.
It being moved by a Member, that the several County Clerks do
pay to the Secretary of this Province the Tenth Part of the Fees that
accrues due to them in their several Offices, and that it does not
appear by what Law the said Clerks do pay, and the Secretary re-
ceives, the same: Resolved, That an Address be prepared to his
Excellency, to desire him to order to be laid before this House, by
what Right the same is taken: Ordered, That the Committee of
Laws do prepare and bring in the said Address.
p. 14