U. H. J.
Libef No. 34
June 8
Account with the Justices of the Several County Courts for the
Tobacco therein mentioned; and will pass with the following Amend-
ments, the words, aforesaid, in the 6th Line between Sheriffs, and by
and Tobacco, and has to be Omitted, and after the word called in
the same Line Add the following in Pursuance of an Order of
Council Dated the thirteenth of September 1744 in the 8th Line
the words, together with, any Commission or Commissions by them
Likewise taken from, the People to be left out and the following
words inserted after the Deduction of their several Commissions for
the Collection thereof, sent by Col Loyd
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up Ho.
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act to Divide Prince
Georges County and to erect a new one by the Name of Frederick
County and will pass with the following amendments Leave out the
words, the Upper side of the mouth of the Eastern Branch of
Potomack River, and to Run from thence with the said Branch and
the Lines of Prince Georges Parish to Patuxent River in the 6th &
7th Lines, and incert the following words, the Lower side of the
mouth of Rock Creek and thence by a Strait Line Joining to the
East side of Seth Hyatts Plantation to Patuxent River, and that
the said Line be Run by the Surveyor of Prince Georges County,
and Trees marked for which the said Surveyor to be allowed the
same fees as in other Surveys one half thereof to be allowed in Levy
of each County; sent with the following Message by Daniel Dulany
By the Upper house of Assembly 8 June 1748
The Amendment We propose to the Bill for Dividing Prince
Georges County and to erect a New One by the Name of Frederick
County is for the Ease and Conveniency of those who Live in the
Neck between the Eastern Branch and Rock Creek, which if your
house agrees to the Bill may be amended accordingly, But if you
think the Division mentioned in the Bill to be more Suitable to the
People than that which is Proposed by the Amendment we shall
Concur with you in it
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up Ho
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for taking off
Part of Prince Georges County and adding it to Charles County
passed and sent by Philip Thomas Esqr