shall arise. The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled
an Act for the Recovery of Small Debts out of Court before a
Single Justice of the Peace. The Bill Entituled An Act continuing
An Act Entituled an Act for the Better Relief of Poor debtors and
will not pass, sent to the Lower house by Cot Hammond
Read the second time the Bill Entituled a supplementary Act to
the Act Entd An Act for the Ease of the Inhabitants in examining
Evidences relating to the bounds of Lands and in the Manner of
Obtaining Injunctions, and will not pass, The Bill Entituled an Act
to Remedy some Evils relating to Servants and will pass the last
clause but one being Left out, sent to the Lower house by Edmund
Jenings Esqr
Read the Petition of Philip Cazear a Prisoner for Debt in Cecil
County Gaol praying Relief, referred to the consideration of the
Lower house, and sent by Col Plater
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the morning
Read the Petition of Several the Inhabitants between the North
East Fork & the North East Branch of Nanticoke River in Dorches-
ter County and the Inhabitants of Nanticoke hundred in Worcester
County Praying that a Parish may be made by the Name of St An-
drews Parish for the Ease of the said Inhabitants, The Petition of
the Reverend Mr James Sterling praying leave to bring in a Bill
empowering him to convey two tracts of Land therein mentioned,
Referred to the Consideration of the Lower house of Assembly, by
Benedt Calvert Esqr
Two Bills from the Lower house by Messrs Sheredine & Lecompte
A Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act for
the Gauge of Barrells for Pork, Beef Pitch Tar, Turpentine and
Tare of Barrells for Flour or Bread; A Bill Entituled an Act to
Oblige Oweners Overseers & Managers of Iron works to assist in
repairing publick Roads; thus Endorsed