320 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 24, 1749.
Liber B. L. C.
whom she committed such Offence, that then she shall be fined by
the said Court, in a summary Way, the further Sum of thirty Shil-
lings like Money, as a Fine for such Person, over and above the
aforesaid Fine for her own Offence as aforesaid, together with all
Charges of such Prosecution: And in case she shall make such
Discovery as aforesaid, that then the said County Court shall be, and
they are hereby authorized, directed, and required to proceed against
such Person, in like Manner as in other criminal Cases; and if he
shall be convict of such Offence, by Confession or Verdict, then he
shall, by the said County Court, be fined in the Sum of thirty Shil-
lings current Money, for the said Offence, together with all Charges
of such Prosecution.
[Security to
be given in
case of
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That in case a Birth shall proceed from such Fornica-
tion, and such Woman shall refuse or neglect to discover as afore-
said; then she shall, over and above the Fines aforesaid, be ordered
and adjudged by the County Court, to give good Security to keep
the Child so born from becoming any Charge to such County; or for
want of such Security, she shall be and stand committed to the
Sheriff's Custody. And in case such Discovery as aforesaid shall
be made in Manner aforesaid, then the Person with whom she com-
mitted such Offence, shall, over and above the Fine aforesaid, be
ordered and adjudged by the County Court, to give good Security
to keep the Child so born from becoming any Charge to such County ;
and for Want of such Security, he shall be and stand committed to
the Sheriff's Custody, and such Woman shall go thereof discharged.
[Security to
be given for
Payment of
Fines and
p. 478
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That if such Woman, guilty of Fornication as aforesaid,
will not discover as aforesaid, and shall be unable or unwilling to
pay her Fine and Charges aforesaid; or if upon such Discovery as
aforesaid, such Person shall be unwilling or unable to pay his Fine
and the Charges as aforesaid; then, and in every such Case, such
Man or Woman respectively, as the Case shall happen, shall be
obliged to give good Security to the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, for the Payment of such Fines and Charges by a cer-
tain Day, not less than twelve Months from the Time of taking
such Security; and for Default of such Security, to be and stand
committed to the Custody of the Sheriff.
[Fines, &c.
to be applied
towards de-
fraying the
[Recital of
Fart of an
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Con-
sent aforesaid, That every such Fine as aforesaid shall be, and is
hereby declared and directed to be applied towards the defraying
the public Charge of every such County respectively.
And whereas, by an Act entituled, An Act for the punishing the
Offences of Adultery and Fornication, it is Enacted, " That it shall
and may be lawful for the Minister, Vestry, and Churchwardens of