Acts. 315
before mentioned, for the yearly Salary aforesaid. Provided never-
theless, That it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs of each
respective County, and they are hereby required not to pay to the
said Jonas Green the said Sum of Money mentioned in this Act, or
any Part thereof, to be assessed and levied for his Use, unless it
shall be made appear to them, by a Certificate from the Clerk of
each respective County (which Certificate shall be given by the
Clerk without Fee or Reward), that the Public Laws, and the Votes
and Proceedings, of this present Session, and every future Session,
within the Space of three or four Months, as aforesaid respectively,
from the End of this and every future Session, shall be printed and
delivered in Manner and Form as by this Act is directed; any Thing
in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
Liber B. L. C.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the several and respective Sher-
iffs within this Province shall, and they are hereby directed and
required to receive and forward the said Laws, with the Votes and
Proceedings aforesaid, to the Clerk of the several County Courts,
and the Members of each House of Assembly, as other public Let-
ters are by the Laws of this Province directed to be forwarded.
And whereas, bv the Badness of the Weather, and other unavoid-
able Accidents, the Laws made in the Years One thousand seven
hundred and forty-seven, and one thousand seven hundred forty and
eight, together with the Votes and Proceedings of the Lower House
of Assembly, were not delivered in Kent County according to the
Direction of former Laws, until a few Days after the Time limited
p. 474
[Laws, &c.
to be for-
warded as
thereby was expired, by means whereof the Money levied in Kent
County for the Year Seventeen hundred forty-seven, and lodged in
the Hands of the Sheriff for the Use of the said Jonas Green, has
not been paid: And whereas the Allowance to the said Jonas Green
for the Year Seventeen hundred forty-eight was not, for the Reason
aforesaid, levied by the Justices of Kent County aforesaid, in the
Levy of the said County laid in the aforesaid Year Seventeen hun-
dred forty-eight: Be it therefore Enacted, That it shall and may
be lawful to and for the Sheriff of Kent County aforesaid, and he
is hereby directed to pay unto the said Jonas Green', or his Order, the
Sum of Twenty Pounds current Money, levied as aforesaid, for the
Use of the said Jonas Green; and it shall and may be lawful to and
for the Justices of the said County, and they are hereby directed, at
their next Levy, to assess and levy on the said County the Sum of
Twenty Pounds current Money, for the Use of the said Jonas Green,
for printing the Laws, and Votes and Proceedings, aforesaid; and
the Sheriff of the said County is hereby directed and required to pay
to the said Jonas Green, or his Order, the last aforesaid Sum of
Twenty Pounds current Money, when the same shall be so as afore-
said levied; any former Law to the contrary thereof in any wise
[40 1. to be
allowed to
Jonas Green,
in Kent
County, for
the Years
1747 and