Acts. 313
made void. And be it further Enacted, That it shall not be lawful
for the Justices of the said Frederick County Court, or any of them,
Liber B. L. C.
to assess or levy on the taxable Inhabitants of the said County any
Sum or Sums of Tobacco or MOney, for the killing or destroying
any Wolf or Wolves within the said County, which shall be killed or
destroyed from and after the tenth Day of July next, any Thing in
the said recited Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
Provided nevertheless, That it shall and may be lawful for the
Justices of Frederick County, and they are hereby required, to
assess or levy on the taxable Inhabitants of the said County any
Sums of Tobacco or Money, for any Wolf or Wolves which have
been or shall be killed at any Time before the tenth Day of July
next, the Party bringing or carrying the same first making Oath
before some Magistrate, at or before the twentieth Day of July
next, that such Wolf or Wolves was or were, bona fide, killed before
the tenth Day of July aforesaid, or produce a Certificate from under
the Hand of some Magistrate, that such Wolf or Wolves was or
were killed before the tenth Day of July aforesaid, if killed by an
And be it further Enacted, That the several Allowances to be
made in Virtue of this Act, shall be liable to the same Deduction and
Manner of Payment as other County Allowances are directed to be
made by the Laws of this Province.
[No Allow-
ance for
killing of
after the
10th Day of
July, 1749.]
This Act to continue for three Years, and to the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall happen after the End of the said
three Years.
ance of this
June 23d 1749.
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara O lo ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honble the Lord Propry
of this province I will
this be a Law.
Sam: Ogle
The Great Seal in
wax appendant
23 June 1749
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl Up Ho.
An Act for the speedy and effectual Publication of the Laws of this
Province; and for the Encouragement of Jonas Green, of the City
of Annapolis, Printer.
No. 8
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That the Justices of the several and respective County Courts
within this Province shall, and they are hereby impowered and
directed, to make an Allowance of Twenty Pounds, Current Money
of this Province, to the said Jonas Green, in the Levy to be laid for
each respective County after this present Session of Assembly; and
that the said Twenty Pounds (with the Sheriff's Commission for
collecting the same) so to be allowed and assessed as aforesaid, shall
Pounds to be
allowed unto
Jonas Green,
in each
County, for
Printing the
Laws and
within a
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