Acts. 311
An Act impowering the Justices of Baltimore County Court to
assess and levy a Sum of current Money, and for other Purposes
therein mentioned.
Liber B. L. C.
No. 6
Upon Application made by Petition to this present General As-
sembly, from the Rector, Vestrymen, Churchwardens, and other
Inhabitants of St. Paul's Parish, in Baltimore County, Be it En-
acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and with
the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the Up-
per and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That Major Thomas Sheredine, Mr. Tobias Stansbury, Mr.
Sabrett Sellers, Mr. William Lynch, and Mr. Thomas Franklin, or
the major Part of them, be, and they are hereby authorized, impow-
ered, and required to sell and dispose of in Fee Simple, for the best
p. 471
Price that can be got, the Glebe Land belonging to the said Parish ;
and the same Moneys arising by such Sale to lay out and dispose of,
in the Purchase of so much Land within Baltimore-Town, in the
aforesaid Parish and County, as the said Money shall extend unto,
in Fee Simple; the Deed or Deeds of Conveyance of such Land to
be made and executed between the respective Vender of the one
Part, and the Rector, Vestrymen, and Churchwardens of the said
Parish, for the Time being, of the other Part, and to be so worded,
as to operate and vest the said last mentioned Land in like Manner,
and to the like Uses, Intents, and Purposes, as the aforesaid Glebe
Land hath been.
to sell the
Glebe Land
of St Paul's
Parish; and
to purchase
Land in
Town, with
the Money
arising from
such Sale.]
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Justices of
Baltimore County Court for the Time being, and they are hereby
directed and required, at the next November Court, to assess and
levy on the taxable Inhabitants of the aforesaid Parish, in the
County aforesaid, a Sum not exceeding the Sum of two hundred
and fifty Pounds current Money, in the same Manner and under the
same Terms as the County Charges are usually assessed and levied :
And that the aforesaid Thomas Sheredine, Tobias Stansbury,
Sabrett Sellers, William Lynch, and Thomas Franklin, or the major
Part of them, are hereby authorized, directed, and required to buy
and purchase in Fee, in the Name of the Rector, Vestrymen, and
Churchwardens of the said Parish, one Acre of Land, at, or as near
to the House commonly called the Red House, in Baltimore County
aforesaid, as the same may be conveniently had. And the aforesaid
Thomas Sheredine, Tobias Stansbury, Sabrett Sellers, William
Lynch, and Thomas Franklin, or the major Part of them, are hereby
authorized, directed, and required, to agree and contract with a
justices of
County to
levy 250 1.
for purchas-
ing one Acre
of Land, and
building a
Chapel of
Ease to the
said Parish.]
Workman or Workmen, to undertake, erect, build, and in a
Workman-like Manner compleat and finish, on the aforesaid one
Acre of Land, a Chapel of Ease to the aforesaid Parish; and the
aforesaid Acre of Land, when bought, and the aforesaid Chapel,
when built, shall be, and they are hereby enacted and declared to be
to be
with for
the said