An Act enlarging the Time for receiving and paying the Public
and County Levies, Parochial Charges, Clergy's Allowances,
Attorneys and Officers Fees, for this present Year.
No 1
Whereas, by an Act entituled, An Act for amending the Staple
of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and
for the Limitation of Officers Fees, It is amongst other Things
Enacted, That all Public and County Levies, Parochial Charges, and
Attorneys Fees, that shall be paid in Tobacco, shall be paid and
satisfied, by the Persons chargeable with and indebted for the same,
to the respective Sheriffs, by Inspectors Notes, before the tenth Day
of June yearly, during the Continuance of the said recited Act; and
if any Person chargeable with Levies, Parochial Charges, Clergys
Allowances, and Fees, as aforesaid, should neglect or refuse to pay
the same within the Time aforesaid, it should and might be lawful
for the Sheriffs, immediately after the said tenth Day of June, to
distrain the Goods and Chattels of the Person or Persons so neg-
lecting and refusing, and to sell and dispose thereof at the Expira-
tion of five Days after Distress made, for Tobacco. And whereas,
that in several Counties within this Province, either for want of
Warehouses, Inspectors, Weights or Scales, or through other Acci-
dents, the People will not have it in their power to make the several
Payments to the respective Sheriffs by the tenth Day of June next,
pursuant to the Directions of the above recited Act. For Remedy
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That all Public and County Levies, Parochial Charges,
and Attorneys Fees, that shall be paid in Tobacco, Clergy's Allow-
ances, and all Officers Fees payable in Tobacco, may be paid and
[Debts pay-
able in To-
bacco, not to
be demanded
'til the 20th
Day of July,